Ch. 13

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Two years later, Mal and Evie were having their usual afternoon talks while watching the children. That's right, children. When Alex was one, Mal had a daughter, Aspen Leigh-Rose, and Evie and Doug had gotten married a few months after Alex's birth and Evie had twins, a boy, Daniel, and a girl, Emma, who were both almost two. Alex came running over to Mal and crawled up onto her lap. Mal helped him get up and he took a cookie from the center plate.

"Hey, mister. Did you ask?" she asked.

"Sowry. Can I have a cookie, mama?" Alex replied.

"Sure." Mal laughed. He ate his cookie quickly then ran off to play with Daniel while Aspen and Emma played together with some plastic dolls. Ben and Jay came into the courtyard, talking about some kingdom business but Alex and Aspen ran over to their daddy and hugged his legs. Jay had become a co-king with Ben so Ben could have more time with his family. It made the work easier for him and Jay liked helping run the kingdom and have his input taken seriously. Sometimes.

"Daddy!" Alex and Aspen yelled. Ben reached down and picked up Aspen while Jay picked up his nephew. The group of four villain descendants had become each other's families and were considered sisters and brothers.

"Unco Jay!" Aspen smiled. The boys walked over to Evie and Mal while Daniel and Emma waited for their friends. Jay and Ben set down Alex and Aspen then sat down by the girls. Ben wrapped his arm around Mal's shoulders and took a cookie, Jay took one also.

"Do we see another little royal running around here soon?" Jay asked, leaning back in his chair. Mal quickly shook her head while Ben nodded. "Confusing." Jay mumbled.

"Why not?" Ben asked Mal.

"Because two is already enough to take care of. Besides, it's a good number." she replied.

"Just check back in with us in a few years and I can assure you we'll have another baby." Ben told Jay.

"You're not the one who has to carry the baby in your stomach for nine months." Mal said.

"No. But I have to deal with a pregnant wife." he stated. Mal gaped, clearly offended while Ben and Jay laughed. She flashed Evie a mischievous grin to Evie before pretending to get sad. She made her eyes glossy and got up to leave. Ben chased after her while Mal and Evie tried not to laugh. "Mal! I was kidding. Baby?" he said. Mal turned around and laughed. That completely confused Ben.

"You have fun with that. We're not having another baby." Mal told him before walking back over to Evie and Jay who were laughing and leaving behind a confused Ben. Mal picked Aspen up and set her on her lap and for the rest of the afternoon they all just talked.

"Hey, has anyone seen Carlos recently?" Evie asked.

"No. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him in weeks." Jay answered. It had been a month since anyone had last seen Carlos and he just disappeared. Jane didn't even know where he went which was weird.

"Where could he have gone?" Mal questioned.

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