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Hearing those horrible stories made me really not want to go upstairs. I have to see what Connor wants though.

I hesitatingly made my way up the back stairs. The stairs is usually never used, not even to sit on. At the begins of next year, the school has a plan to remove the entire 3rd floor and put down new flooring and walls.

They are turning it into a small class gym and an indoor pool leisure centre.

Without any of the school janitors noticing, I quickly bolted up the steps as quiet as I can, going two steps at a time.

Looking around the top deck, a large sign appeared on a wall saying "Guidance Hall"

That must be where the closet is.

it's fucking scary as balls up here! I am legit shitting myself.

My eyes came in contact with Mrs Glasons Door. Oh my shit does it look haunting.

The door had "no access" police tape and peeling paint on the door. The glass window blocked up with black paper. Square piece of surgical identification card was placed over a crusted up fingerprint of blood by the handle.

Next to the her room was the spare bathroom.

Rumours say that her blood and guts still lay in that room.

Some days I'm curious and really want to know more about her case. See the damage and mess in the rooms of the slaughter.

The door was planked, taped and bolted up.

Nobody could probably could get in or out.

Creeped out already, I really just want to see what Connor wants and get out of here!

The closet was a head and I jogged over. Knocking lightly on the door, it opened to show a boy that was in fact, NOT Connor.

Your probably thinking is the killer going to get me now but you've thought wrong.

It was Louis. Tomlinson.

One of Donna's Brothers douchbag friends

"what the hell Louis?!" I whispered shouted as he pulled me into the closet.

It was actually quite big inside so it has a light.

"hi Megan" he smiled

"Louis, where is Connor?." I asked

"I don't know who Connor is, I just wanted a way to talk to you"

"I'm not in the mood for you to take the piss out of me now" I moaned as I made my way for the handle.

"just listen to me, don't talk"

Sighing, I turned around and waited for Louis to speak.

"okay, ummmm how do I say this"

"not meaning to be rude Lou but can you speed it up a little, I'm kind of creeped out in here"

"well...since you got here I saw you different from how I saw everybody else here. I didn't want to hurt you or make fun of you."

"that's why you didn't punch me in the cafeteria the other day..." I said now been enlightened. "why do you see me differently??"

" I just do, I think I might have a-teeny-tiny-ittle-wittle-peedie-weedie-munchkin-crush-on-you" he said rather quick as he neared the end of his sentence.

"sorry, I didn't get the last part"

"a teenie--"

"no, after that"


"wait, you have a crush on me???"


"you have a crush on me"


"you have a crush on me!!"

"YES FINE, I have a huge crush in you aright, dont make a big deal out of it" he moaned.

"it is a big deal though! how big is the crush. 1-10??" I asked a little worried.


"shit Louis! Why!? Harry is going to slaughter you for liking me in that way. The boys will be mad for you pretending to hurt me. Donna is going to freak out and what will the school think!?"

"I don't know"

"you know what Lou?"

"I love it when you call me that..." he moaned,

"not the time"

"I can't deal with this right now. I'll text you okay."

Rushing out the closet with Louis close behind. I ran down the empty hallway making m way to the stairs.

Louis was hot on my tail and grabbed my arm just as I was about to go down the first stairs.

The strength of the pull, yanked me back causing my ankles to wack on the step behind me. One of my hand reached down to clutch my ankle but Louis was running too fast after me and didn't stop fast enough causing him to crash into me.

He simply regained his balance but for me. Let's just say I am in a crouched ball stumbling down the stairs.

The sharp points on the edges of the metal floor dug into my spine as my face smacked against the sides.

Louis feet pattering behind me trying to stop my movements.

"Shit!" I heard Louis swore as I made my way to the flat ground, unconscious.


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