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Sitting down at this little table enjoying our meal was great. It felt oddly nice but queer sitting down with a person you find a 'bully' or a person you would usually avoid.

It was great getting to know him and find out information you would have never had expected them to have gone through or experienced.

"So, what would you love to do in the future?" Louis asked tucking into his steak.

"This might sound weird but I really wanted to be a tattoo artist since I was young but I know you need to be insanely good at art and I'd be too afraid to mess something up." I paused for a brief moment. "So I'm looking to be a
paediatric nurse"

"Well' the tattoo artist was unexpected. But I've seen your art, up on the corridor walls for projects, you're really good!"

"I've always wanted to be creative with ink and skin but my father would never agree" I huffed.

"Why should you let your father control your actions, be who you want to be. Not who your father wants you to be." Louis pointed out.

"You know what, you're right! I've died to get a tattoo and dye my hair! I should do it now before he comes back from his trip!" I smiled.

"What you wanting done?"

"I've always wanted to shave half my head and dye it red." I said embarrassed.

"Unexpected yet again but now I look at you, you would dig red"

"Ow, thanks Lou Lou" I giggled.

"How about this weekend we head into town and get your hair done, just the way you want it" Louis asked taking another sip of his drink.

"I would love to Louis but I can't afford it!" I huffed.

"I'll help you pay, then when you have the money you can pay me back." Laugh offered.

"Wow Louis, I can't use your money just for one hairdresser appointment!" I explained, he can't spend his money on me. And it would at least be £45.

"You will and I will, I'll make you an appointment for a shave and colour at Clever Cuts. I'll text you the timings.

"I can't drive though"

"I'll drive you! I'm coming with you, you know" Louis said calling the waitress over to pay the bill.

"Do you want me to pay for my half?" I asked him. "You can pay for the drinks, it's £9" he said, getting out my Anna Smith purse I took out a fiver and 4 pound coins.

"Let's head off"

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