0.2 This is it

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Cadence's P.O.V.


Finally! I am officially an high school graduate and ready to see the world. After years of anticipation I am finally free. I can vote, maybe even get a tattoo , but most importantly make my own decisions.

I have loving parents, an "awesome" little brother, and of course the typical best friends that has been with me from the beginning of high school. Due to my achievements of getting valedictorian in my graduating class, I have decided to attend the University of Oxford next fall. That is if I  nail my interview I have in a next week. My parents brought me the one-way ticket to the UK since they have such high hopes that I get in. All I had to do was figure out a hotel that is close to the school so I have a place to stay. I have found the perfect hotel thats an equal distance from the university and Central London so I can also have a little time to become a tourist.  My flight is in 2 days and I am all packed and ready to leave the Big Apple . For my final nights at home, Jo and Marcus are throwing me a "We won't miss you but still love you to death "  goodbye party. 

"JOSEPHINE WHERE IS REMOTE?!" Marcus yelled to Jo. These two have always gotten on each others last nerve but for some reason, by the next day their sharing ice-cream in the park.

"It's up you fat -"

"Okayyyyy Brandon is in the next room Jo.  Here Marcus use my laptop and log onto Netflix" I say to avoid a big argument that will most likely wake up the whole block.

"Cadence, I'm literally counting down the hours till your 1992 laptop breaks. Why won't you just buy  a new one?" Marcus says as Jo also agrees with him.

The only reason I won't buy a new one is because well it works for me and I don't have enough money because of my big trip, plus I'm not ready for an upgrade.  Ignoring their comment we all cuddled up in my bed and ended up re-watching episodes of '90210'. Marcus started whining saying Jo and I are obsessed,but hey cute guys in Beverly Hills is something you can't get enough off .


I feel something being sprayed on my lightly on my face. When I go to feel my face , I find out that its whipped cream. I look around the room and see that Jo and Marcus ' faces are covered in cream and chocolate syrup. I turn my face to see the awesome little brother Brandon with the syrup in his hand.

"Have a good flight sis! " He yells as he runs out the room.

Ugh great way to start off my day. I decide to let Mr. and Mrs. HotHead sleep in while I go clean up.  As I walk inside the bathroom, I realize that the clock says 7:45.  Funny, I had to be at the airport at 8:15...WAIT I have to go NOW! I ran to go wake up Jo, Marcus , and my parents. Turns out my parents were already up and waiting in the car for me. Wow, I guess it really does apply once your 18 your on your own. 

We are now all ready and made a quick stop at Dunkin Doughnuts for breakfast with 7 minutes to spare. As I get out the car I see a lot of teen girls waiting to get inside. Must be a celebrity out today  but my thoughts are pushed aside due to my mom  distracting me by saying her goodbye's.

"Cadence, I am so proud of you ! Please be safe and call me as soon as you land." she says as she gives me a hug.

My dad was next, "Stay safe please, always remember school first you've worked so hard and i want it all to pay off. I'm going to miss you so much pumpkin!" He gives me a big kiss on the head.  "Love you too dad and thanks for supporting me ." I reply back to him

Jo literally jumped on me and she actually looked like she was about to cry. " Have fun ,but not too much without me . Love you Candy!"

"JoJo Bean I will text you everyday. I Loveee you !!"

And Finally Marcus.

" Cade, I'm gonna miss you so much.  I umm, I got you something ."

I saw as he pulled out a small box out of his pocket. He handed it to me and as I opened it, I couldn't believe my eyes. I begin to remember the first day of high school . Marcus sat  directly in front of me in Global and when he first turned around he saw me getting ready to cry since I was scared. I mean come on its the first day of high school , have you seen the movies. Anyway long story short, he gave me a small paper shaped heart that he quickly made for me in that moment. He told me anytime I get scared just hold the heart and count to 10 and it will get better. 

After a couple of days I gave it back to him since he was scared to try out for the basketball team. Ever since he has kept it, now he says he is giving it to me for remembrance that our friendship is forever no  matter how far.  Jo has always said Marcus had a crush on me since 10th grade but, honestly were all such close friends I can't imagine it.

" Marcus your the best, thank you !" I gave him a hug but it seemed as if he didn't want to let go.

Its finally time to check in and board, I had to squeeze through and show my ticket as soon as I got to the door to ensure that I actually had a flight. I realized the girls were wearing shirts with the band One Direction on it.  I alway find it strange how fans know where their always going to be. 

"Last Call for Flight #101 to Heathrow London Airport via British Airways" I hear the announcement and start to run.

Finally This is It!


after reading this, it sounds so cliche.... but hey we all have dreams am I right?

also 50 views on whole story for next update....and maybe 2 votes *smiles so hard*

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