0.4 I'm a Classic Man

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7 minutes down, 6 hours and 43 minutes to go until I reach my future. So far in that 7 minutes 'mystery brit ' has been staring me down and lets see, thats pretty much it. I know what he was planning to do, stare at me until I get so annoyed and I break and tell him my name. I will not lose this game against him. To ignore him I have just been checking Snapchat and Instagram on my phone. I am completely obsessed with taking picture so thats why I'm always on those apps. I can see Harry looking at my screen so I lower my brightness. I feel him move and I see he's reaching for phone in his back pocket . Once his finger is on the fingerprint pad, his champaign colored IPhone 6s unlocks . I slightly took a peek at what he was going to do and I see he opened up his Twitter app.

"If you won't give me your name then at least what is your twitter name?" he says as he passes me his phone.

I took the phone from him and flipped the phone over to observe the case. It was just a plain slim all black case.

"Classic" I says as I give him a sarcastic smile.

"Well , what can I say. I'm a classic man." he replies with a quick wink.

"Well I can't help you. Sorry I don't have a twitter." I pass him his phone back.

"Really! Then here whats your Instagram ?"

" I'm going to the bathroom." Really Cadence he didn't need to know that .

I got up and he moved his legs to the side so I can slide through to reach the aisle. Walking down to the bathroom an arm reaches out to my hand. I look back to see its the Charlie's mother. I look over to see the Charlie was watching a show and I'm guessing who is his little sister was asleep on their mom.

" I just want to thank you again, I don't know what I would've done if you were not here."

"No problem-"

"Miss whats your name ?" Charlie asked a bit loud

"My name is Cadence "

"Miss Cadence, thank you for your magic paper. It worked ! I'm a warrior now, Im not scared!" Charlie yells happily as he passes me the paper heart.

"Thank you Charlie! Now you have all the power saved so you will always be a warrior." I take the heart and put it in my back pocket. I then realized my phone is missing so that means its left back on the seat... with Harry. Oh Jam! I left the family and went to the bathroom .

When I reached back to my seat, Harry smiles and hands me my phone back.

"You have been blessed with 50 picture of my awesome amazing hot face in your phone. Your welcome!"

Sure enough when I unlocked my phone the camera app was open and i saw so many picture of his face doing the most random things. This idiot, I have nothing else to say to him. I rest my chin on my arm on the arm rest and I can feel myself getting more and more tired. Next thing I remember I'm falling into a nice sleep during the rest of the flight.


6 hours later


I feel my body being shaked . I slowly open my eyes to see I'm basically laying on Harry Styles.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I just-"

"It's fine love, we just landed." he said with his voice sounding as he had also just woken up.

I ignored the fact that he called me love and got up to get my carry on bag. The buff guy Dale went ahead first to exit the plane, then Harry and lastly me. I looked around and saw that we were the last people getting of the plane. Walking in the tube that connects the plane to the terminal, Harry says

"I guess you won, mystery plane girl"

"Aha I guess I did."

With that I walked away to baggage claim. As I looked around and saw so many flags,little shops, and hearing amazing accents. I found the conveyor belt that contains luggages from the flight and rushed to look for mine. After a while, the area started to clear out, I turned around looking to see if a worker was near to maybe help me but saw no one. I looked again and finally saw the green suitcase covered with little pink hearts coming around. I ran to go pick it up and noticed a post it note attached to it. I pulled it off and it read :

All the Love Cadence
xox 'Classic Man ' H.

He figured it out! This kid is too much. I see a sign that allows you to wait for cabs outside and rush to it since the airport was empty. As soon as I reached outside , rain was pouring down. I heard that this is typical London weather. A black truck comes in the waiting area for cabs. I see the passenger window roll down and I recognize that cheeky smile anywhere. This is impossible, I cannot be living one of those romantic books where half the stuff is nearly impossible. By the looks of it I'm guessing he really was following me.

"Do you need a ride?" he yells to be heard over the rain.

"Im good, a cab should be coming soon"

"Really, C'mon its pouring and your going to get soaked out here."

He gets out the car with his jacket covering his head. He grabs my bags and places them in the trunk of the car.


"I'm not gonna let you wait, I'll drop you to where ever your staying. It will be much faster and plus free of charge."

He came over to cover me with his jacket and we both ran to get inside the car together. Can someone say Nicholas Sparks movie scene. Great what could possibly go wrong now.

" Where are you staying?"

Oh sh!t.

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