0.5 Just for one night

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"Um.. Well... I mean any hotel is fine."

Yes, I found a place online back in the states, but I knew nothing about it. I was only interested in the distance between Oxford and tourist attractions.

" You have no reservation or anything planned? "

"Dale can you just drop me and Cadenceeeeeeee back at my place." he tells Mr.Buff guy who I now realize is driving.

"Absolutely NOT! I don't know you , you don't know me. Didn't your mother ever teach you stranger danger? Wait but then that means I just got in a car with a stranger. Oh gosh I forgot to text my parents I landed. Wait why are we already driving? Okay I'm going to stop now." I just rambled out to him panicking.

"Is that all?"

"No wait, how did you figure out my name ?"

"Well Cadence, your 'fearless warrior' said it very loudly on the plane" he answered with that annoying smirk.

"Okay well look can you just drop me off at the nearest hotel." I say directly to the man 'Dale' driving.

He replies with a thumbs up. Well that was easy. I look to Harry and I see him on his phone most likely texting. I realize how tired I am since the time zone is completely off . A couple of minutes of sleep won't hurt. Harry is still on his phone and Dale is driving so no harm is being done. I lay back into the seat and plug my headphones in. Sooner or later I know i'll be knocked out.


" I'm really getting tired of waking you up. Cadence, love, wake up. I don't want to have to carry you."

"Mmm... stop calling me love." I replied as I started to wake up.

I noticed that the rained started to slow down as well as the car. The car pulled up in a driveway and finally came to a stop.

I looked out the window.

" What kind of hotel is this?"

"It's my house" he chuckled.

Wait... What. I see Dale get out the car and run to the trunk to get Harry's bags as well as mines.

"Oh hershey no!" I said as i unbuckle myself to get out the car and stop Dale.

"Hershey? Really?"

"I don't curse or should i say swear."

"Dale! Wait you grabbed my bags by accident." Its like he completely ignored me and continued his way into Harry's house.

"Listen Cadence, I think its best if you spend the night. I mean though the rain slowed down, one night at 'Hotel Styles' wouldn't hurt right."

He extends his arm for me to take. I slowly go to grab it and as I look at his face I see he gives me a warm smile. I quickly walk up the steps trying to avoid the drizzling rain and walk through the door as Harry opens it for me. I see Dale relaxing on the couch watching a match. Immediately my eyes go around the house. One word GORGEOUS. It was very homey, big, and surprisingly clean. There were picture of him and the rest of the bandmates with awards , and what looks like his mother and sister and him from when he was small posted all alone the wall and resting on small tables.

"Sorry Cadence, on the way ,Harry texted me saying to come straight here. Also the rain was heavy at one point and I started to feel tired."

Woah Dale spoke!

I decided to put on a smile and tell him it was absolutely no problem. I see where he placed my luggage and before i reached it Harry picked it up and started to walk away.

" Hey! Where are you going with my stuff?"

"Taking it to a room, follow me."

With no option I followed. As I walked up the steps I realized how big the house was. He stopped in front of a door and opened it up.

"Its not exactly a guest room but I mean it has a bed."

The room basically looked like storage room full of clothes, shoes, and magazines thrown around. It did have a single bed though.

" I have other rooms but there being worked on. I don't usually have guest besides the guys and they usually just sleep on the couch."

" I'm fine with the couch back downstairs. It doesn't matter to me , I mean it's just one night."

"No way! You won't sleep on the couch thats a dumb guy move right there. You can take my room and I'll take the couch."

"No I can't do that, that room is your personal area. How about we both get blankets and head downstairs."

" My first sleepover with a girl...I like it " he says with a wink.

Gross. He went to go look for lots of blankets and pillows while I brought my bags back downstairs. Once I'm in the living room I noticed Dale is gone. I take out my phone and place it on the couch next to my bag. I went through my luggage to look for pajamas, I pull out my one of my brothers basketball shorts that I stole and a tank top. 

"Harry where's the bathroom?" I yelled to him upstairs.

" Down the hall to the left. The first door."

I followed his directions and went in to change. When I finished I heard my phone ringing in the living room.  I ran to get it but saw it in the hands of Harry. I looked around the living room and it was filled with blankets,pillows,and some DVDs scattered on the floor.

" A guy named Marcus wants to FaceTime" he says as he hands me my phone.

"Thanks I'll be back."

I remember passing the kitchen so I decided to take the call there. I  checked to make sure my hair was good then pressed accept and leaned against the island counter.

"Cade!! You've been gone for not even a day and I miss you so much"

"I miss you guys too."

"Woah, is that the hotel kitchen . What hotel are you staying at ? It looks like it cost so much!"

"Oh...Well I'm just spending the night at a friend that I met on the flight. I couldn't get to a hotel and he offered."

"Cadence are you crazy! HE, its a guy! Cadence what the hell is wrong with you! Do you understand how dangerous that is. He could be lying or be thinking to do awful things. What would your dad say !"

"Marcus ! Listen I am fine ! I know how to take care of myself . Everything will be fine stop worrying "  I took a breath before continuing " Look M I have to go."

"Wait Cade! Im sorry, be careful. I love -"

I hit disconnect.

" He really cares about you. Is that why you're playing hard to get, you have a boyfriend?"

I turned around and saw Harry coming into the kitchen.

"He's not my boyfriend! Also I'm not playing anything."

He decided to cut the conversation short and move to open a cabinet.

"Here I'll put a movie in and you do the popcorn." He throws me a pack of popcorn and leaves the kitchen.

Ugh it's just for one night.

Spend the Night//h.s.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang