Chapter Two

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Enjolras' POV:

  That girl was amazing. Her stunning blue eyes, gorgeous blonde hair. I haven't seen her before, but I can tell you that I won't forget her. I was going to introduce myself, but her father pulled her away quickly. Where is she? People must think I'm crazy. I'm just standing and staring out into the distance that leads to her. What am I doing? I am the leader of a revolution! How can I let a girl distract me?

  "Enjolras, what are you doing?" Who was that girl?" Marius is going to think I'm insane.

  "I don't know. Did you see how beautiful she was? Her hair, eyes, smile.." I must have been rambling because he looked bored.

  "Enjolras, I've never seen you like this before!"

  "I know. I must find her! Her father was talking to Eponine's father. Maybe she knows who she is?" Eponine was very good at finding people. She knows the town like the back of her hand. I'm afraid of her father getting suspicioius. He has a temper that I don't agree with. Marius almost snapped last time, but that's why Eponine has him.



  "What about tonight?" Damn! Tonight we have a revolutionary meeting. I need to focus. How will they respect me if I'm love struck. 

  "You're right! Ineed focus. Eponine's coming, see you tonight. Don't forget to ask!"

  "I won't! Don't worry!"

  Marius' POV:

  "What?" My face twisted with confusion. Eponine wasn't supposed to meet me here for another hour once her father entered a meeting. Ha, some meeting that was. Anyway, I turned around to see the girl of my dreams.

  "Marius!" She yelled to me from a narrow alley. I felt my smile stretch from ear to ear and a sigh of relief exit my chest. "Marius!" Her light feet carried her closer to me.

  "Oh, Eponine," She leaped into my arms and I held on as tightly as I could. I enjoyed nothing more than having her thin waist in my hands. I just wished the world loved her as much as I did. "What are you doing here? What about your father?"

  She took her bottom lip between her teeth and shoved her hips up against mine. "I just couldn't stay away." The shade from the buildings hiding us stole the evident sparkle in her brown eyes, but I sensed it was still there. When I was with her I, honestly, didn't want to control myself. But I must because if her horrid parents and my stuffy grandfather found out we were together, let alone romantically involved, we'd both be dead.

  "Eponine, you should go home," I hated to say that, but one of us had to think of our over all well being. "Today's just not the day."

  "Uh, live a little, Marius!" Her gentle hands grazed my chest to steady herself while she pressed her lips up to mine. One of my favorite things to do was taste her sweet kiss. She quickly escaped my grasp, but not before taking my hand. She drug me farther down the alley and out to an open square that led to a lane of homes. Usually by now I'd tell her to keep it down, but I don't know, there's something about today. And something about the way she looked this afternoon made me relax and let my walls fall down.

  We strolled down the familar streets of Paris, hand in hand, just talking. We talked about our days and each other for a little bit, until I remembered Enjolras asked me for a favor. "Eponine, I need you to do something for me."

  "What will you give me?" We passed by a building and I shoved her into it. She smiled up at me as she foolishly gripped at the brick wall behind her. My body locked her in and I rested my forehead on hers.

  "Anything." I whispered to her.

  "Well what do you need, Marius?" I told her about how Enjolras met this beautiful girl in the town square today and that he needed her help finding this girl. "Of course I'll help him!"

  "That's wonderful! I think he really loves her."

  "And how do you know that?" I watched her rotate my Rosette pin on the lapel of my jacket. I only had an hour left until the revolutionary meeting.

  "Because he looked at her the same way I looked at you for the first time." I nuzzled my nose into her neck and she let out a loud giggle.

  "How do you even remember that? We were just children back then." She pushed me away just to pull me back in, by  my collar, to her lips.

  "How could I forget that moment?" My coarse fingers tickled at her chiseled chin as I pulled her in for a passionate kiss before we were interrupted.

  "Marius? Is that you?" My grandfather, who was visiting a friend in this area, appeared from a window above us. This was a problem since he's hated Eponine since the moment he laid eyes on her. To him, she was just a poor girl who was trying to charm me for my money. He didn't know her like I did, though. He was just jealous that I found a true love in my life.

  "Run! Go, Eponine!" I should've been more scared that he had found us together, but I was more elated to spend more time with her. We were both giddy, running through the back streets of Paris. Together. She erased my fears; the good hting in my life. She was a flower in the center of my desert with our love raining over the both of us constantly.

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