Chapter Three

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Enjolras' POV:

When I arrived to the cafe, it was completely mobbed. Too many students wanting to revolt for what's right. I walked upstairs and took a seat. I couldn't stop thinking about the girl I saw earlier. Not knowing who she is drives me crazy. As I was seated, I realized everyone was staring at me; I'm supposed to make a speech. I stood up slowly and took my place at the head of the table. In the meantime, Grantaire took it upon himself to start drinking.

"Grantaire! Put the bottle down!"

"Sorry." He placed the bottle on the table and took a seat. Maruis walked in right before I spoke. I gave him a look that asked, 'Did she find her?' He shrugged his shoulders and sat down. I let out a sigh and began.

"The time is near. So near, it's stirring the blood in their veins, and yet beware. Don't let her consume your thoughts." Wait, what? The boys sat confused with the same look I had on my face. I let her in my thoughts! I can't focus on what is going on. I slid my hand through my curls, not knowing what to say. Thank God Marius is here. He stood beside me and continued in my place.

"Don't let the wine go to your brains. We need a sign to rally the people, to call them to arms, to bring them in line!" Marius patted my shoulders as I slumpped in my seat. How can I be such a love sick puppy? I'm the leader of this group and I can't give a single speech!

"Enjolras, are you okay?" Grantaire looked concerned, but he was tipsy so it's hard to tell.

"I'm fine."

"What girl is in your thoughts?" He raised his eyebrows, looking very curious.

"None of your business!"

"Tell us about her!" He was very eager to see that his leader is in love.

"I don't know much. Just that if you'd been there today you would know how it feels. To be struck to the bone in a moment of breathless delight. Had you been there today you might also have known, how your world can be changed in just one burst of light." I must have sounded crazy. I looked around to see everyone's eyes were wide. I have never talked like this before and it scares even me. Combeferre was the first to speak.

"Are you drunk or just mad? We have a revolution to deal with!" Grantaire was next to put in his two cents.

"Here we are talkikng of battle as he walks around like Don Juan. It is better than an opera!" They were right! This is where my heart should lie. This is the life I have known and no mystery girl can change it. I got my balance and shot out of my seat. Confidence engrossing me as I spoke.

"It is time for us all to decide who we are. I have, did you? The colors of the world are changing and we must take advantage!" The students errupted in screams. They cheered and yelled of our victory. I still had one last thing to say before my speech was over. "Let the barricade rise!" With that we went to work.

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The next few hours we prepared. Grantaire was in charge of gun count, while Combeferre was in charge of numbers and I was figuring out when our barricade should appear. We needed the perfect moment to strike back. The girl of my dreams was pushed to the back of my mind for now. I had larger things to take care of. This revolutionwas the biggest thing we would ever do. We could change France as we know it. Everything was going perfectly. Everything was almost in place until Gavroche walked in.

"I have news, boys!" He may be young, but he has as much passion as the rest of us. He is a true revolutionary student.

"What is it?" God, I hope it's good.

"General Lamarque is dead." My face dropped. He was the only person who cared about the people. Without him, we weren't important. We all sat silently, but a thought sprung to my mind.

"Lamarque, his death is the hour of fate. The people's man. His death is the sign we await!" What would she think of this? "On his funeral day we will honor his name. The light of rebellion a blaze in their eyes. That is when we will strike!" What if I never saw her again and she loved without me.

"The time is here! Let us work with it gladly with courage and cheer. Let us take to the streets with no doubt in our hearts." Marius shouted to the students. What if I lived without even knowing her? "With a jubelent shout, they will come one and all!" I can't live without her. "They will come when we call!" I love her!

"Eponine?" Marius' attention was diverted to his stunning love who was climbing the stairs, quickly, to meet us.

"I found her!"

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