I need Requests.

153 17 17

Here are the things I can do.
WOF Dragons
Comic strips

For example Your OC WOF
Name: Terracotta
Age: 8 dragon years
Breed: Mud/Scav
Experssion: angry
Scars, equipment, etc: scar on right eye, whale bone necklace
Colored or no color or shaded?: Colored

Human OC
Name: Terracotta
Age: teenager
Expression: Hungry
Scars, equipment, jewelry etc: scar on right eye, shake bone necklace, 1 earring loop
Colored or no color or shaded?: shaded

Right now I have 5 slots ready! Plz Comment the details!
Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
Slot 4:
Slot 5:
Thanks guys!

Wings Of Fire: The Big Book Of Dragon and WOF ArtworkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang