Smaug MIX

160 26 10

So we are reading the hobbit, in composition and discussing and making arguments, and speeches, blah blah yeah, it's pretty exciting actually anyways, I wanted to draw smaug, but I wanted to make it a challenge for me. I don't want to copy off a pic. I made it more interesting. So first I did my own usual drawing style I would do for a dragon, then I looked online and saw tons and tons of different designs of smaug, some from the movie and other artists. I grabbed little parts of the ideas, and added more and more to my original design of smaug. Then BOOM Smaug 2.1 was born! Yay, it was fun. Hope you guys like it! I mean it's pretty awesome to me. It's a very rough sketch, I really had no intention on making it accurate. Just added stuff there, and a little there, then maybe added this and that. Yeah that is what made it fun! Hope u all like!

Wings Of Fire: The Big Book Of Dragon and WOF ArtworkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz