I'll Find You

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Carl's POV
Irene and I were alone. We didn't do anything but lay in my bed. I missed this place sometimes, it wasn't comfortable at the abandoned house. No tv, or anything to really lay on. It sucked but I was with Irene so it made it feel comfortable.

I decided to sleep a little bit because I've been up for the past few days with out any sleep.

I closed my eyes and I could feel Irene moving around trying to find a good spot but it kept going on for a few more minutes and that when I decide to actually go to sleep.


It was me and Irene sitting together at the beach.

"This is wonderful, Carl. Thank you." Irene smiles and gives me a passionate kiss. I kissed back but it was soon over.

I saw her parents walking up towards us. You can tell that they are pissed off, which that brings me pleasure to know that I can make her parents angry. >:)

"Irene, get your stuff. We're going home!" Her father yells grabbing her arm to left her up. No one touches her!

"Hey mother fucker. She doesn't have to go anywhere." I calmly told the father. This fucker thinks he can take her away from me?! Hell no!

"And what are you going to do about it, punk?" I laughed at his lame name calling.

"Punk? That's all you got?" I laugh in his face.

"Carl I'll meet you at your house, okay?" Irene says trying to not getting into anymore trouble.

"Or you can stay." I told her taking her hand, gently. She gives a small smile. I know that she wants to be here and not with those lunatics.

Irene pulls her dad off her and hugs me. I smiled and hugged back, feeling like this was going to be the last hug.

"You little bastard!" I heard the father yell. I pulled away from the hug to find the so called dad running towards me.

He threw the first punch. Now it's on! He went for the second punch but I grab his fist and kicked him right in the stomach, making him fall. I got on top of him and started to punch the asshole.

What made me stop was a high pitched scream.


*End of Dream* (that was kind of long)

I woke and looked over next to find an empty spot. Where's Irene?!

I quickly got up and ran outside and too find these two guys in all black putting her inside the van. OH SHIT, NO! They got in and started to drive away. The first thing I did was run after it. I looked at the license plate. I'm going to need to remember that. It was 237 WRU (Random).

I saw her looking out of the window. I ran a little faster. It was getting harder and harder to catch up with the Van. I looked at Irene and saw a guy behind her put something over her mouth. Drugging her! She's going too sleep. Shit!

I stopped running to catch my breath. My legs hurt. I need someone to help. My brother Lip or Ian would help me. I know the cops would but my one of my brothers would have to do it.

I walked back towards my house and find someone was home. I ran inside and lucky for me, it was my brother Lip.

"Lip, I need your help!" I told him going next to his side. He looked at me weird.

"What do you need help with?" He asks finding something to drink, beer.

"Irene has been kidnapped! I need to get her! Will you help me?!" I asked well more like begged. I don't begged for things but this I needed too.

"Haha yeah right." He doesn't believe me. That prick!

"I'm fucking serious right now, Lip!" I yelled at him. That got his attention. He looks me in the eye.

"You are being serious."

"No shit!" I grab his arm and pulled him towards his car. I took his keys and opened the door to the driver side.

"Your not driving." He tells me. I rolled my eyes and threw the keys at him. Luckily, he catches them.

I got in and he started up the car.

I'll find you, Irene.

I won't stop until I have you in my arms again.

Carl GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now