Chapter 2

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A/N: So me and JustPertendingThatImCool are doing a collab on this. I have overwhelmed myself and need her help. Read her one shots for the best smut wattpad can offer. Follow her cause she is awesome and very helpful.  

Avoiding Harry and Liam seemed to be working out well for me. Not that I didn't think of the curly haired boy ever day, but at least I didn't have to see the married couple. To say that I had fucked up would be an understatement. My job wasn't going too well, the books I edited didn't sell easily. Not to mention having to listen to my parents' moping about how I should finally settle down with someone.   I told them I dated various people for short periods so they would be quiet but in reality I wasn't ashamed to admit that I couldn't see myself dating anyone that wasn't Harry Styles.  

My hazel eyes stared into the computer screen in front of me, the letters getting blurry. It was my own fault. It was even my own fault I was in this mess. I could have been in Liam's place now. So many times in the last few months I had wished I could just go back to that time in college and whack myself.   The ringing of my phone tore me out of my thoughts and I nearly fell off of the chair. Walking over to the beeping mobile, I glanced at the caller ID. It was Lirry. I tensed and reluctantly answered the call.  


"Hi Zayn", Harry breathed and the air got caught in my throat. It had been ages since I talked to him in any form. I mostly talked to Liam just because I would feel less humiliated and awkward.  

"Oh Harry", I kept my tone light and surprised. How are you?"  

"Pulling through." There was a pause and I quickly added, "How about you?"  

"I'm good. I guess", his deep voice trailed off and I hated this. I loathed this awkwardness, that I couldn't speak my mind.  

"Um did you want anything specific or did you just miss my sexy voice?", I joked and he laughed. The mood instantly lightened.  

"Both actually. The boys are coming over for dinner on Sunday, so you're obviously invited too."  

"Oh okay, um yeah. I'll have to see if I can make it", I murmured not really in the mood to pay the couple a visit.  

"It's kind of important though, I wish you'd be there", he whispered the second part. My heart leapt and I blurted out: "I'll be there."  

"I knew you would. Hey Li, Zayn's coming", he hollered at his husband and in the background I could here a whoop. Regret washed over me, I started pacing back and forth and then I mumbled: "Uh I gotta go Harry."  

"Hey Z?" A shiver went down my spine and I nearly dropped the phone when he used the nickname.  

"Haven't heard that one in a good couple of years." Harry's end hitched and after a moment he asked: "I um I'm sorry."  

"Don't be, now you were saying?"  I asked. 

"Could you bring some of your mom's cooking? You know we love her food."  

I frowned and began: "Uh yeah sure." Then it hit me: "Oh my God. Did she ring you up?"  

"Uh no?" He was such an awful liar, I had to laugh. "Fine yeah she did. She really misses you Zayn", he told me and I sighed, sitting down on my sofa.  

"I know but she has to get used to the fact that I moved out."  

"You could at least call though", he interrupted and I suddenly got the feeling we weren't talking about my mother anymore.  

"I've been... Well... Busy." I lied regretfully. 

"She's not the only one that misses you", Harry hushed and I bit my lip.  

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