Chapter 4 - Little Nightcrawler

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Fall For Me❤

Hello guys!:) I'm back and here's the chapter you've all been waiting for;) Keep supporting and voting, wonderful people of Wattpad! It means so much to me:****

Photo to the right is Sam Dumont:)) ------------------------------>>

That's all folks!<3

Tender Love and Care,



---Owen's POV---

What a day. I went for a hot steamy shower which I never miss out taking every night. Thinking about all the germs I caught all day gave me goose bumps instantly. I was the clean-freak type of guy and I saw nothing wrong with it. As I drenched my face with some soap wash, a door outside made squeaky noises. Horrified as I was, I popped my eyes open, leading the cleanser overcharging directly into my eyes.

"Fuu~!!! It's burning like hell! What did they put in this sh*t?!"

The squealing noises came about louder. "Sam!? Is that you? Sam answer me!" What's up with people terrorizing me today. Or it could possibly be a demonic spirit.

I hoarsely washed the stingy soap off my face and as I opened my eyes, I saw my reflection at the wide mirror behind the shower. I was startled to see my own reflection, hallucinating creatures again.

" You handsome demon! What are you doi~...." I screamed in horror. Hphh, Idiot.

I was so weird. I wouldn't deny that.

I had secrets of my own, which I only share with Sam since she finds them out herself. I admit I am scared of nothing but mythical creatures. They started haunting me at the age of eight. And it was Sam who started everything, possibly because she was one of them. Just kidding. When buying DVD's, we usually picked out horror genres. Sam was kind of my adrenaline keeper so I wouldn't dare watching them without her. Her presence kept me calm but still, the spooky hair-raising music never stopped me from hiding beneath Sam's arms with my head safe on her stomach. Another thing was that I loved to goof around people but I was raised to act like a gentleman which I did, but only to the public. I was the only child of both well-known parents and they didn't want me to be an embarrassment to the society. That was why Sam and I were inseparable. I could relax and be myself around her unlike in school, I would turn out to be like every other popular jock in our university.

I readied things up and departed out the warm bathroom. Hopped in bed immediately for I couldn't wait to get some Z's.

"What a day, dealing with Sam is never easy" I murmured. Then a hand from nowhere suddenly grabbed me from beneath the comforter.

I screamed bad. Very bad.

Then I heard the loudest laugh ever coming from the body whose hands were around my neck. I quickly threw the comforter away and saw~...

" Sam it is not funny! When were you here?! It's midnight young lady!" I scolded as she continued laughing out of breath.

" You screamed, you screamed!" she said in between laughs." I'm sorry, I can't help it. Owen, when did you learn screaming like a soap opera singer?" she continued laughing.

Sam was happy, simple as that. Her reaction drew a grin to my face.

"you little nightcrawler!" I tickled her thin waist for revenge, not to surpass on having to tickle her neck. I was sure it was her weakness after all the years I did this to her. I just loved how she smiles wide like crazy all the time. I thought it would take her so long to recover from depression.

"Owen! S~, stop! Please!" she screamed, wiggling like a worm.

"Promise me you won't do that again!" I continued tickling her.

"I~, I promise!" she forcefully said.

She started tearing up due to her uncontrollable laughter but after a while, I wasn't sure anymore. she was sobbing. I stopped tickling her as she lied down soundly. It maddens me when I couldn't make her smile so easily anymore. F*cking Jake.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting that it would turn out like this" I apologized for the wrong reason.

"It's not that. It's~"

"Jake. It's Jake, I know. But Sam, if he really loves you, he wouldn't let you slip away no matter how hard the situation might be. True love will always find it's way back."

"Cheesy Owen." she giggled a bit but she started sobbing harder. Oh no, my words must have been too afflicting. "Got some anti-freeze in your fridge? Or some beers and boozes maybe?" she begged.

"You might flip out, it's too strong for you." I said. She wanted to get drunk but I think today wasn't the right time.

"Please Owen, Please!"

"No Sam. I'm not allowing you that."

I lied down beside her and decided to pull some bad skills of mine. Jokes.

"Might as well listen to my joke, yeah? Here it comes. Why do gorilla's have big nostrils?"

"You suck at jokes. Why are you telling me these? I'm not in the mood for some jokes Owen."

"Just give me a chance. Please?" I convinced.

"Fine. Why?" she agreed.

"Because they got big fingers." I continued.

It took some time for her to get the joke and when she finally did, she actually laughed at it. "I thought your jokes were always senseless, you got me there." she continued giggling.

I told her the exact same joke thrice and she thought I was going bonkers. She didn't laugh anymore but more of gotten irritated.

"You see Sam? Why can't you laugh at the same joke again and again when you keep crying over the same pain over and over again?" I lessoned. I got this from a friend and I was satisfied that I actually remembered it.

" I~, I don't know... Owen, I'm going to get some rest." she excused.

"I'm sorry Sam, I didn't mean to. " I apologized once again. I was such a gentleman don't you think?

"I'm fine. Thanks for helping me out today." she smiled.

"Anytime Sam. I'm always, always here for you." I assured. Sam looked so fragile and it bolded me from wanting to protect her more.

I know many girls likes me and are completely obsessed with me, but you might think I can't understand your feelings for I had never been in a 'real' relationship before. But I had a feeling Jake would break your heart someday. I sensed it from the start of your relationship and warned you, but you wouldn't listen to me. I may be stubborn and a dumbhead to you but sometimes, you have to admit I'm right and you should listen to me.

" Sam you awake?" I checked after wandering off from my thoughts. I had no guts to tell her those. I knew it would hurt her more.

I peaked at her and saw that she was completely asleep. I swept her soft chocolate hair away from her face and placed the lost lock right behind her ear. Then she snored loudly.

"Your making it obvious that your a boar Sam" I whispered, beaming in amusement.

"Kill yourself" she answered back softly. She was awake all along which made grin from ear to ear.


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