Meeting the Signs

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This can work with your Rising/Ascendant Sign, or Sun Sign. To find your Rising Sign, go to (I uploaded it on the external link) or Google 'rising sign calculator'.


Aries: so friendly and smiley, and probably compliments you

Taurus: ignores you until you say something funny or relatable

Gemini: super nice for, like, 10 minutes then backs off and doesn't talk to you for 2 hours

Cancer: won't talk to you until you talk to them/seem engaged

Leo: obsesses over you to make you like them

Virgo: makes a joke, if you laugh they talk to you... if you don't, they probably ignore you

Libra: probably makes some weird judgement about you at first so they basically ignore you, but then acts like your BFF after you talk to them

Scorpio: laughs at your jokes, but doesn't really talk to you a lot

Sagittarius: intimidating at first but still cool

Capricorn: AWKWARD

Aquarius: asks you for all your social media and is super friendly at first

Pisces: doesn't talk a lot but seems super cute and nice; compliments you

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