If The Signs Were a Superhero Squad

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Aries: The super kick-ass one, often impulsive but in an annoyingly lovable way. Has a tendency to jump in to protect others, especially Pisces (even though they don't need it), occasionally f**ks up the plan. Strong opinions on matters, fights to be heard during discussions, probably has great ideas but no one really takes them seriously. Needs either Libra or Aquarius to hear them out and present their ideas to the group in a strategic way. Will beat the shit out of anyone threatening the group members, may spend too much time on one enemy just to see them completely knocked out. Enhanced speed, reflexes, and fire powers might as well have flamethrowers for arms. Attack, short to mid range.

Taurus: Rather passive but cooperative, the others tend to gravitate towards them for comfort. Level-headed, but when others disagree with them they refuse to back down. Often requires Virgo to point out the the reasons for conflict in their views in order for them to come to a consensus, however they don't often contribute ideas so it rarely happens. They are very down-to-earth and patient. Organizes team movie nights and relaxation trips, so everyone has to love them to some extent. Cancer and Pisces probably find excuses to hang out/pair up with them. Enhanced super strength and stamina. More on the defensive side, short range.

Gemini: The one everyone mistakes for a mischievous airhead, but is actually a genius who is able to figure out the criminal or villain's intentions way ahead of the game. Doesn't strategize but is very good at piecing things together, however they only share their theories with fellow Air signs Libra and Aquarius. Doesn't hang out with the group much for some reason even though they're very social, no one knows where they're off to (could be another date they didn't tell anyone about, could be an undercover mission, who knows). Always fun to be around although they may not know when to be serious, makes light-hearted quips at everything. Enhanced hearing and intellect, able to fly and teleport. Alternates between attack and defense, mostly tries to distract the enemy.

Cancer: The protective one of the group, goes to the defense of anyone being blames by others. Really sweet and caring, but everyone knows not to make them mad (Aries found out the hard way). When upset, they may have dangerous mood swings and are potentially destructive, so they hole up in their room (with comfortable blankets and television). Taurus is the only one allowed in, and brings comfort food so they can hang out in silence. The most concerned when someone cones in injured, does their best to make sure the others are okay, even if it means forcibly making Virgo heal them. Enhanced life force, intimidating water powers (chaotic emotions can cause typhoons). Defense, mid to long range.

Leo: The unofficial second leader. Plans and ideas usually aren't very well developed or thought-out, but somehow manages to convince half the group over to their side. Something about them commands attention and respect, and they always have a way of stealing the show (Capricorn is kind of pissed, though they'd never admit it). Acts smug and egoistic, but beneath it all can be quite sensitive, and they have a heart of gold. Has a soft spot for Sagittarius, which may affect their decision making at times. Not usually intimidating and rather approachable, though there is no match for their fury when the group is threatened by outside forces. Everyone looks up to them, in awe of their courage and capacity for love. Enhanced strength and speed. Attack, short to mid range.

Virgo: The healer and analyst/scientist. Doesn't contribute plans until they deem it necessary, prefers to listen and observe. Has amazing prowess, and finds loopholes or flaws in plans that no one else realizes. Helps Capricorn in research and conducts experimentation in their own laboratory, occasionally with Aquarius' assistance. Everyone secretly admires their apparent intelligence, and many are even slightly attracted to them because of it. Doesn't socialize much, but always agrees to spend the late hours gazing at stars with Pisces... and probably has a tension-filled rivalry with Scorpio (not a bad one though, if you know what I mean). Maintains a slightly mysterious air to them. Regeneration and healing powers. Field medic as well as defense (if needed), mid-range.

Libra: Harmonious mediator of the group. The gorgeous but oblivious one that everyone sought after at some point of time. They like to bask in the peaceful atmosphere whenever the rest aren't fighting over who's turn it is to cook.

Scorpio: The spy and dangerous seductress that most find hard to trust at first. Can be ruthless, but by no means are they cold-hearted. Highly intelligent but only displays it in group strategizing, for they can seem unapproachable and do not find the need to converse much with others. Probably has an unconfirmed, mysterious past, but no one questions them about it and they prefer it that way. Doesn't really like following orders, but have respect for Capricorn and therefore cooperate. Except that one time they kicked Sagittarius out and refused to be roommates. Also might have a thing for Pisces, though they never approach them (their stares are pretty obvious). Highly skilled with weapons, can poison someone through their water manipulation. Attack, all ranges.

Sagittarius: Tendency to get into trouble even though they don't mean to, often supports Aries just for the fun of it. Also provokes others just for the fun of it. Okay, so maybe they kind of do mean to. Very easygoing and craves excitement a lot of the time, so they have a habit of disappearing like Gemini (probably with Gemini). Capricorn is kind of sick of them but they're invaluable to the group, plus Leo likes them. They're the "watchers" of the group, the first to be on the alert if there's trouble somewhere, and the one who wakes everyone up to haul ass and save the day. On the other hand, they're pretty much always late to group meetings. Free-spirited, makes jokes that everyone can't help but laugh at even on the battlefield. Enhanced sight and speed, and of course, the bow and explosive arrows never leave their side. Attack, mid to long range.

Capricorn: The leader of the group. Capable of making informed decisions that best benefit everyone, while cutting costs, because the facilities, in the building are expensive (see: Virgo's totally rad science lab). The diligent, calm and collected one who has amazing self-control to not stab themselves when everyone is being a pain in the ass. Slightly intimidating in their own way, but everyone low-key has a crush on them. Gemini and Sagittarius think they should get out more often, and sometimes Libra tries to take them out shopping to no avail. Absolutely terrifying when pushed past the limits of their emotional control--though this hasn't occurred since that event that no one shall speak of. Enhanced mental strength (impervious to mind manipulation), metabolism and stamina. Is striking fear into the hearts of enemies considered a superpower? Attack and defense, short to mid range.

Aquarius: Accidentally gives everyone the impression of a reclusive a**hole in the beginning. Rather detached and unemotional, even more so when in a serious situation--but totally down for a good time whenever. When not distant, they are playful and downright dirty with their spontaneous quips, followed by an air of complete disinterest. Everyone simultaneously detests and adores them in secret, and it seems impossible to figure them out. They do not give anyone special treatment, so they're pretty much loners and don't hang out with anyone particularly, unless someone appears to them as one of a higher intellect than most. Also, the others have an ongoing bet on who gets to see what is in their room first. Able to fly, electricity manipulation and telekinesis. Attack, mid to long range.

Pisces: The one everyone adores, because who wouldn't? They seem sweet and naive, but only a select few sense a dangerous undertone to them. On occasions they've dropped casual statement as though wondering what the weather would be like tomorrow, only for the to come true some time later. They act as though nothing is off, though, so somehow everyone lets it slide. Would rather snuggle on a couch with whoever is readily available than participate in group meetings, but again, everyone lets it slide (even Capricorn). They always have a dreamy look to them that makes them seem like they're off in their own world. It's difficult to confront them about anything and come to an actual conclusion on the matter, so eventually no one bothers. They hang out with everyone but try especially hard to talk to Aquarius, and strongly believes that everyone has a vulnerable side to them. Able to change the state of objects, strong intuitive gifts, and telepathy. Defense, mid to long range. 

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