Chapter Fifteen

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I'm having this amazing dream, it really is amazing, so beautiful...Gary's fingers graze over my stomach as he kisses me gently under my ear, he kisses me again, and again. His fingers still gently tickling my stomach, my skin tingling where his fingers touch my flesh.
"Babe." He whispers, his breath tickling my ear. "Babe..." he repeats, continuing to kiss my neck.

I wake up slowly, nestling my head back into the pillow. It's not a dream. Gary kisses me again before lifting his head.
"Babe, it's time to go." He smiles gently, his palm placed firmly on the flat of my stomach. I notice he's already dressed in a grey T-shirt and jeans, lying on top of the covers. I take a couple of seconds to catch my bearings before smiling up at him.
"Morning." I whisper, pulling my arm around his neck, playing with the short hairs on the back of his head.
"Hey gorgeous." He grins, "I've packed the car, we're ready to go when you are."
"Thank you..." I whisper sleepily. "I'll get up in a second." I manage a smile.
"No rush," Gary insists, brushing a stand of hair from my face. "I'll be down stairs okay?" He climbs off the bed and leaves the room, pulling the door to as he goes.
Slowly, I lean out of bed and unplug my phone charger. I wrap it up and stick it in my bag, pulling out the packet for my pill aswell. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Knocking the pill back I shove the packet back in my bag and make way to the bathroom. Shit!
"Gary?" I call down the stairs, I can feel my face burning red already. There's no answer. Fuck. Thinking on my feet I run back to Gary's room and drag on that burgundy t-shirt and quickly jog downstairs. He's sitting at the kitchen table typing into his phone, his eyes light up when he sees me in the doorway.
"You okay?" he asks grinning, "You travelling like that?"
I Shake my head in response, "Can you do me a favour?" I smile, twisting a stand of hair around my finger.
"Anything for you Honey." Gary smirks. "What?"
"Go and get me some underwear out of the car?" I bite my lip. "The ones from last night are kind of-beyond repair?"
I watch Garys eyes widen again as he rises from the table. "You mean..." he starts, his expression hard to read as he goes to walk past me. "...Youve got no underwear on now?" his breath tickles my cheek. I shake my head quickly and Gary closes his eyes as if in exasperation.
"Will power Gary." I smirk, "Now go get me some panties ye?"
Gary narrows his eyes at me as he leaves the room.

An hour later, im in clean underwear, dressed and cruising down the motorway with Gary Barlow. Garys hand rests on my thigh, squeezing slightly. "You okay?" he smiles across at me gently I am, I think. I think the realisation of why I'm going up to Manchester has hit, and quite frankly Im scared. What will he look like? What will he sound like? Will he even be able to talk?! Seeing my Dad, not acting like my Dad...the thought if frightening. Hes never been a dependant person, quite the opposite in fact. He thrives off being able to get out, do the gardening, drive into town, do the food shopping. That kind of thing, and now suddenly, if hes bedridden or whatever- I dont want to think about it anymore. If hes bedridden, it'll be the death of him.
"What wrong?" Gary asks slowly.
"I'm fine." I shake myself off my line of thought.
"You're not fine Libby." He speaks matter of factly and somehow manages to still sound hot. "Anyone could see your not fine Babe." his tone softens, "Tell me what's wrong?" He gives my thigh another reassuring squeeze. I can't help but place my hand onto his, knotting our fingers.
"I'm just scared. That's all." I say, dropping my head against the window.
"Eh, none of that." Gary says, giving my leg a little shake, his eyes on the road again. "Your dad will need you, your mom will need you. And I'll be here for you, whenever you need me. Got that?"
"Got it." I nod, flashing a small smile in Gary's direction.
"Good girl." he grins, leaning over quickly and pecking me on the cheek. All of a sudden I feel so much better, I love him. I love Gary Barlow, and he loves me. And it's just the best feeling in the whole of the world.
"We'll stop at the next services." Gary smiles, "What do you think?"
"God, yes please." I grin. I could seriously do with a coffee.

Soon enough we're sat back in the car with a flask of coffee each, its a small service station. In fact I'm pretty sure it's the same one that we stopped at the first time we met, when he drove me home. God, that was only about a month ago...
"Do you want me to drive for a bit?" I ask, suddenly aware that Gary has been awake since god knows what time and driving for 2 hours.
"Nahh, no no," Gary dismisses, "Unless you want to drive?" he adds quickly, that beautiful grin on his face once again. I smirk back at him.
"Do you want me to drive, Mr Barlow?"
"I asked you first." Gary smirks. My brain buzzes with an idea. You can't to that! Libby! NO.
"I don't know..." I smile, slowly twisting in the seat. "Do I?..." Quickly, I pick myself up and drop over onto Gary's lap, straddling his thighs,, he raises an eyebrow in approval.

"God I love you." he murmurs, his hands sliding down onto my hips as he tips his head forward, planting a gentle kiss on my chest.
"Are you going to let me drive then?..." I grin, my fingers brushing over the button of Gary's jeans, he shakes his head in exasperation again.
"As much as I love you Libby," he kisses my chest again. "We can't have sex here." Why not?! I pout at him so he can see I'm clearly unimpressed.
"Why?..." I sulk, tugging at the waistband to his jeans. "Look, the place is desolate! No-one will see!" I tug again at his waistband as i lower my head to his neck, pecking it with gentle kisses. I feel Garys grip tighten on my hips.
"Im a celebrity, Libby." He says quietly, i can feel him grin against my ear. "Im always being followed my some guy with a camera." Hes probably right, however i want him too much now to stop. I take his ear between my teeth and bite down gently.
"Babe, no..." He groans, burring his face in my neck, now i know i have him exactly where i want him. I slide my hands from his waistband up under his T-shirt as i continue to suck and bite on his ear.

"Libby no!" Gary hisses, pulling me away from his ear with his strong arms. "We cannot, have sex, here. Okay?" He looks serious, but i cant help myself.
"Who said anything about having sex?" I mutter, twisting my mouth into a sideways smile. I feel Gary harden instantly underneath me. Yes. Gently, i shuffle backwards, revealing the now taught fabric of his jeans. Gary slides his hands down onto my thighs as i grin at him. He just shakes his head at me.
"I hate you!" He hisses, but i can see hes trying not to smile really. Slowly i drag my hands down and over the bulge in his jeans. A low moan escapes Garys throat as he tips his head back, shutting his eyes. I carry on, slowly unbuttoning his jeans and dragging down the zip, he continues to harden as i gasp his erection through the fabric of his boxers, stroking my thumb along him gently.
"Libby." Gary chokes, his eyes wide now, locking my gaze. I just smile sweetly and wait for him to harden again before scanning the car park, theres no one around, the place is dead. Oh Thank God. Slowly, i attempt to wrestle down Garys jeans down a little way, to my surprise he co-opporates. Leisurely, i ease him out of his boxers, grasping his shaft with both hands.
"Shit Libby." Garys eyes roll to the back of his head as he tips his head back again. I pull my hands back up along his length as he lets out another low groan. Running my thumb over his tip i can feel its already wet, i smile at him, but hes not looking, instead his fingers dig further into my thighs.
I wrap my one hand around him, gripping him tightly this time as i begin to move. I pick up pace, until im pumping my hand faster and faster along Garys shaft. My fingers gripping him tightly.
"Fuck Libby!" He hisses again, this time his eyes lock with mine and he holds my gaze. He hardens again under my grasp and i know hes close, quickly i drag my hand away. Gary breathes out a sigh of relief only for it to hitch again as i shuffle back onto his knees, my back against the steering wheel. I grin at him.
"No Libby. NO." Gary grips my thighs again as he realises what im about to do. I ignore him, as i slowly begin to lower my head. I groan quietly as i take him into my mouth, im bored of teasing him, i just want him. Gary groans too, its muffled, i guess hes biting his lip. Tightening my lips around his length, i begin to move. I feel Garys hands twisting in my hair now, urging me to go faster. I do. Grazing him slightly with my teeth, driving him crazy. Soon enough i feel im hit the back wall of my throat. He lets out another straggled cry.
"Libby im going to come!"
I tighten my lips around him as his fingers pull at my hair.
"Fuck. Fuck!" Gary whispers as he releases himself into my mouth, instinctively, i swallow his load, when hes finished, i pull my head away, licking my lips. Garys eyes are closed, his breathes coming out ragged.
I ease him back into his boxers, before pulling up his jeans and fastening them.
"I hope you were serious about driving." He murmurs, his eyes still closed. "Because theres no way i can after that."

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