Chapter Forty

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  "Gary!" I giggle as we tumble into the bedroom. "That was the most embarrassing things that's ever happened in my life!"
"Oh relax Baby" Gary smirks, dropping down onto the bed. "Plus, it's not like we're going to see any of those people again anyway."
"Gary, we had sex in a plane toilet!  EVERYBODY HEARD!" I pretend to be angry with him, but he just shrugs and grins at me.
"First time for everything eh?" That lopsided smile is really...I don't know. It's just perfect. "Anyway." His tone changes. "Come 'ere." Gary's laying out, starfish on the bed, his arms out wide. I tilt my head to one side, my mouth twisted in a sideways sort of smile.
"Baby come here...." Gary grins again, pouting slightly when he finishes his sentence.
"Gary." I sigh, crawling up onto the bed, in between his legs. "I'm tired Baby..." I run my hands down his arms, locking our fingers when I reach his hands. He pouts even more, wrapping his hands round the small of my back, pushing me down so my forehead rests against his.
"Just a kiss?" he whispers. Oh how can I resist him?
"Fine." I lean my lips down towards his and gently kiss them. To my amazement he actually lets me pull away. "What?" I smile when i notice him grinning at me.
"Nothing." He sits up suddenly, forcing me backwards."How you feeling?"
"Want to go and explore then?" His eyes light up like a little kid at Christmas so i just nod enthusiastically, i wouldnt like to burst his bubble would i? "Come on then!" He jumps up, taking my hand and dragging me back down the stairs. We're stopping in an isolated villa, away from the rest of the world almost. Its massive. Way to big for just the two of us, but i cant deny it. Its stunning. Its decorated in an ultra modern style, most of it open plan so the light just floods through making it bright and beautiful. I gasp as Gary drags me out to the back.

Im stood infront of what i can only describe to you as the most beautiful infinity pool you will ever see, the water ripples like silk on the surface, six comfy white sun loungers stand at one end, inbetween two sun umbrellas. Behind them is a bubbling jacuzzi and what i think is a cocktail bar to one side. All of this overlooks the beautiful, turquoise waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.
"Gary its love- Stunning..." I murmur, utterly speechless.
"Not bad is it?" He wraps his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind, i feel him smile against my shoulder blade.
" 'Not bad'?" I grin. "How is this only 'Not bad'?!...Oh but i suppose being Gary Barlow the Take That frontman and national heart throb, you've seen a lot more than this." I smirk.
"Cheeky Bitch." Gary narrows his eyes, but i can see his smile. "Ill push you in if you're not careful."
I laugh and pull away from his grasp, "Can we go for a swim though? Now?"
"Lib. Seeing you in a bikini as soon as possible is absolutely fine by me."
I can help but laugh at him. "Pervert." I hiss as i walk past and head back up to our bedroom.

I unzip the suitcase and tip it out onto the bed. Quickly i retrieve a plain yellow, string bikini from the pile.
"Are my trunks in there?" Gary asks, entering the room.
I smile at him and chuck him a pair of white swimming trucks, hes in the middle of saying something, probably one of his sexual innuendos, when i hear my text tone go off under the pile of clothes. I rummage around and pull it out.

Mark O.

Hey Lib, heard you've gone away with Gary. I hope you have fun, ill be missing you!

"Who is it?" Gary asks, taking a step closer to me.
"No-one." Oh yeah. Nice one Lib. I can see him really believing that.
"Liar." He snarls, his tone changing suddenly. "Its Mark isnt it?!"
Theres no point arguing. "Ill ignore it Gaz, dont worry." I smile, exiting the message with out replying.
"Turn it off." Gary looks me square in the face.
"Turn the phone off, Libby."
"No. Why?" I ask.
"Because i dont want him texting you. Turn off the phone." His tone is plain, sinister almost, but he doesnt frighten me, not yet anyway. Who does he think he is?
"I'll ignore the text, but im not turning the phone off."
Gary makes a lunge to grab the phone, but i snatch it away. "Who the hell do you think you are Gary?!" I snap.
"You're boyfriend and the father of your unborn child. Now give the phone. Or turn it off. The choice is yours." He snarls, squaring up to me, forcing me backwards so im leaning against the wall.
"I think ill choose to leave it on thank you. You dont tell me what to do." I stare him straight in the eye, trying desperately not to loose composure.
"YES I BLOODY DO!" He shouts, taking me by surprise and making me jump. He snatches the phone from my hand and throws it across the other side of the room with such force it the screen smashes against the floor. I swallow hard, Garys standing over me, breathing heavily, his one hand squeezing my wist tightly so i cant make any attempt to get away. Im so angry, i could kill him, but at the same time he looks so damn hot i could just fuck him right now.... I decide to argue.
"My father, has just had a stroke Gary." I snarl. "Hes currently at home, recovering. My sister lives in Spain, so at the moment, my Mother is at home, by her self, having to struggle and cope with being his full time carer. Sometimes when she wants to get away from it all she calls me and cries down the phone. I have to tell her its alright. She didnt want me to go away, but she didnt stop me because she knew she could call." My tone is patronising, but i can feel my bloody boiling. "So i take it, it will be you then, thats explaining why ive been ignoring her calls for two weeks when we get back....BECAUSE OF MY UNTRUSTING, CONTROLLING, PARANOID PHYCOPATH OF A BOYFRIEND." I had to shout. I couldnt keep it in. Fury fuels Garys eyes.
"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU." He jolts his arm backwards so i fall against the wall.
"Id just like to remind you that im twelve weeks pregnant before you do anything stupid." I hiss at him.
My breath hitches in my throat. My mouth running dry. Did he really just say that?
"Sorry?" I raise an eyebrow at him, surprised by my own bravery.
"Yes, i called you a Whore Libby." He lowers his head and growls against my ear. "And do you know what people do to Whores?"
I dont answer, im scared now. Scared but turned on at the same time, so turned on.I want him. Holy shit i want him so badly.
"Libby!" Gary hisses. "Answer me!"
"N-no." I stammer, grateful hes so close to me so he cant see my body trembling. Gary runs his lips down up my jaw to my ear.
"They fuck them, then they leave them." Before the words are even out of his mouth, i feel his finger dig tightly into my thighs.

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