Chapter Sixty Eight

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  "You prick!" I exclaim, coming to a stand still in the middle of the air port.
"Libby i thought you'd packed it!" Gary holds his hands up, half in defense as he looks at me with innocent eyes.
"You told me you were doing it!" I whine. "Gary you're a nightmare!"
"Me?!" Garys eyes manage to get wider still as he tried to defent himself. "Its not even my suitcase!"
"No!" I try not to show him im laughing slightly, im meant to be annoyed. However, its these situations where you can either laugh or cry, and thankfully for eveone around us, ive opted for the laughing option. "Its my suitcase, with all of my clothes in and it is still at the villa! Our flight is in sixty five minuets, we cant go back and get it!"
"Well how did you not notice until now?" I Gary stares at me asif im an idiot. I supose he has every right to really, i mean, i have just left the villa without my suitcase and not noticed for three hours.
"I dont know!" I bite my lip in exsperation, snatching a cup of Costa Coffee out of Garys hand and taking a swig. "Im exhausted ok?"
"Okay." Gary sighs, raising his eyebrows slightly as he takes the cup from me. How is he being so
calm?! "Okay, dont worry." He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me over to some seats. "Calm down, ill get the suitcase posted over when we get home."
I throw him a puzzled look.
"What?" He shrugs. "You got any better ideas? Besides, its not like i cant afford the postage.."
I narrow my eyes slightly at his subtle little brag before i eventaully, and regretablty give in. "Thanks." I mutter, chewing the inside of my cheek so i dont smile too much. "Thank you."
"Anything for you Darling." Gary grins against the top of my head, before planting a kiss against my temple.

We sit there is silence for a few minuets, just taking in the surroundings for a little while.
"You are a dickhead though." I sigh eventually, smiling becasuse he cant really see my face.
"Excuse me?" I feel Garys finger poke into my side.
"For not making sure my case was're a dickhead."
"And you madame.." Gary pulls away from me slightly, that lopsided grin still weakening my knees. "..are a cheeky bitch."
I drop my mouth open slightly, but cant hide the smirk. "How dare you. Dickhead."
"Get up." Gary stands infront of me, offering me his hand.
"You what?"
"I siad get up." This time he grabs hold of my wrists and tugs me to my feet, before begining to walk back across the airport.
"Gary where are we going?" I protest with a giggle.
"Somewhere private..." He mutters. Oh shit. Oh no. Oh holy fuck.
"Gary no!" I hiss. "Im not doing this!"
"You dont get a say." Gary smirks, leading me in the dirction of a disabled toilet.
"Oh dont i?" I raise an eyebrow at him.
"What you gonna do?" He grins wickedly as he opens the door and pushes me inside. "Cry rape?"

"Im not doing this Gary." I shake my head and keep a staight face as Gary locks the door.
"I think you are." I smiles innocently, as he tugs at my arm. Suddenly i find myself with my back agaisnt the door, Garys hands either side of my waist so i cant get away.
"No Gary." I raise my eyebrows, talking to him in the way youd speak to a little child.
"Yes Libby." I mimicks back. Jesus hes a prick. "You cant resist me."
"Oh cant i?" I bite my bottom lip. I dont even know why im stringing this along. We both know hes right, and either way, i am going to end up having sex in the toilet airport with Gary Barlow.
"No. You cant." He lowers his lips to my neck as he breathes out his words. "Come on Libby. Doesnt the thrill of being caught turn you on?..."
Eurgh hes right. It does. So much. But id never tell him that....
"Come on." He pouts as me, whilst his eyes decide which was is quickest to get my clothes off. "We've got a flight in an hour and im hard as fuck."
Hes right. He is hard 'as fuck'. I can see his erection pulling the fabric of his shorts taught. Ridiculously taught.
"Get undressed." He whispers, lowering his lips to my ear. I hear him unfasten his shorts, before i feel his hard lenght pressing against my thigh. Quickly, i do as im told. Im far, far too aroused to argue with him now.
"Good girl." He smiles engourgingly at me as my dress falls to the floor. He takes a step towards me, his erection pressing further into my thigh.
"Gary." I whimper. I didnt mean to. Shit i so didnt mean to do that. It just came out.
"I know, i know, baby..." The bastard continues to tease me, sucking on my earlobe as his hands hold firmly onto my hips.
"Gary please." I moan again, quietly into his neck.
"You're enjoying this aren't you?" I feel his stubbled smile against my neck as he talks softly.
"Yes." I choke, shutting my eyes tightly. Fuck.
"So i was right?"
I dont answer. I dont want to give him that much satisfaction.
"So i was right?" Gary growls again, his grip tightenig on my hips.
"Yes." I breathe out a groan. "Yes you were right."
"Good girl...." he breathes against my neck as he pushes down my underwear.
"Legs around my waist." Gary grunts slowly, he's teeth skimming my shoulder.
I whimper silently as I do as I'm told, Garys hands slide down to the backs of my thighs, holding me in place as he positions his tip at my entrance. God I need him.
"Gary." I whimper again, my fingers already digging into his back. Slowly, he pushes himself fully into me, filling my entirely. I bite my lip to stop myself screaming at the mixture of pleasure and pain.
"Scream for me Baby..." Gary's grin speeds across my neck. The bastard.
"I hate you." I mange the push the sentence out as Gary beings to move inside of me, thrusting with short fast movements.
"What?" He grunts. "Even when I make you feel like this?"
All I can do is groan is response as I quickly find myself beginning to shake underneath him.
"Fuck." Gary hisses though gritted teeth as he tried to hold my legs steady. "Oh shit Libby! Yes!"
I just moan in response and find Gars mouth over mine, muffling my cry as I hit my orgasm and convulse around him. Seconds later, Gary too finds his release and fills me with his warmth.

Before im aware of what is going on, I'm on my feet, watching Gary pull his shorts back on.
"Come on Elizebeth." he grins wickedly. "We'e got a flight to catch."
Before I can try to stop him, the filthy bastard has scooped up my pants, shoved them into his pocket and left me alone in the airport toilets....

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