Weak and Sick

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-Chapter 1-

Never did she see much meaning in her life. Even with her family. They didn't see much in her other than something that could be milked for publicity purposes. Aside from her odd yet alluring appearance—her mind and abilities in certain aspects were phenomenal. She was like a doll to them sent by God to fit their specific needs. That was before she ran away, and changed her name. The girl was tired of her parents suddenly putting her on some sort of medicine, and it made her head hurt like hell. Truly, she felt like she was gonna die from it.

But that was eight years ago. She hardly remembered much of her past - because she pushed it deep into the back of her mind, not wanting to remember any of it. The girl was more content with living her life as someone new. Someone that was independent. Someone that was somewhat normal.

First day of her new school was hell, and the days that followed were just as hellish. Before, she had gone to a private institution for the musically and academically gifted. Though she never had friends. Public school wasn't as far from what she thought it was. To state it bluntly, he would say it's the mildly the same in public school as it was in private. The bullying was much more childish as compared to her old school so she could handle it fairly easily for a girl.

Now... Shall we begin with the tragic story of how a girl, who couldn't care less about anyone, wound up in a messed up race against time?

Lots of things happened on the day our story begins. Two new students arrive, she got scouted by a man from a musical institution in France, the death of her family's anniversary, and she punched a girl in the face before school. Needless to say she might've broken it - taking in the fact she felt something crack under her knuckles.

Though the one thing that made the biggest impact on her life - without it ever occurring to her, was the new studants, "Class this is Arata Kokonoe..." The teacher began. A bit perplexed by the cold seeming boy. But the girl didn't give him the time of day to really notice as she stared out the window with an almost longing look. "There's an open seat behind Nakahara; Nakahara please raise your-" The teacher didn't even finish as he saw the boy look past the blue haired teen at the open seat behind her.

As he sat down, he two looked out the window.

After a while the bell rang for Lunch. Immediately following were a group of girls crowding him for his number. Lying he said he had not owned a phone, but a specific someone popped that bubble immediately. Causing the girls to look at him a bit offended as he walked out.

The girl who had been sitting in front of him laughed a bit before getting up and leaving calmly. And headed for a tree where she normally went for lunch just to catch up on sleep - something she had trouble doing at night. She sat at the base of the tree and let her head fall back a bit so she looked past the roof and over at the sky, but two people were standing there. Her brows furrowed in confusion; why were they there? Two unfamiliar faces were on the roof and it confused her greatly. Her orange red eyes landed on the two forms but the sunlight made it hard for her.

"Ne, Nine, she's looking up here at us." The boy who seemed to have a smile as bright as the summer sun said a bit amused. The black haired boy followed his gaze and his ice cold eyes seemed to land on the fiery ones. They held contact for some time before she closed her eyes and leaned back against the tree. "Know her? ~"

"Of course not. Don't ask stupid questions like that. I believe though, she's a girl in my class."

"oooooh~ Looks like things are going to get interesting."

"Hey bitch. It was you that fucked with our friend's nose right? You were the one who punched her?" Said a dark haired teen as she walked over to Nakahara, who sat beneath a shadowed tree. Her skin was ivory; contrasting against greatly against her black socks that went up to her knees.

"I'm trying to rest, go away..." The girl mumbled before pulling a knee up to her chest. "And she deserved it."

"You little- ugh!" One of the four girls grabbed her by her collar and pulled her to her feet before throwing her to the ground. "You should watch what you say! This isn't like your stupid private school, we don't play nice here!"

The mere statement made her laugh in amusement. The laugh started out as a giggle - the type of giggle the ghost girl in the horror movies would do before saying someone would die before it got louder and turned into a laugh. "Compared to the shit they gave me there..." Nakahara pushed herself off the floor and slowly stood; a large cat and cream smirk on her face, "This is child's play! ~" She growled before spinning on her heel and roundhouse kicking one of the four in the face. "You all are an eyesore." Nakahara laughed before walking past them to grab her bag.

They all retreated a bit away as if she was the plague. Staring at her in fear and horror as she began to walk away.

But it was like she was hit by a train. Because the girl stopped suddenly and her eyes widened in pain as her hand went to her head. A ringing - so high pitched, was in her ears and her head felt like it was splitting. "Not now..." She mumbled. Why were the migraines coming back? She hadn't taken the medicine in ages. She hadn't taken anything remotely to the medicine since she ran away.

The girl's hip length hair fell a bit over her shoulders as she doubled over a bit. The pain was unbearable. The hand on her head laced her fingers in her hair and gripped it. Hoping that this pain would take her mind off the other but it wasn't.

"Nine... look..." The boy said as his eyes examined the girl. His companion as well examined the girl, with a bored expression on his face.

"It's none of our business. Don't stick your nose into it."


As sudden as it came, sadly it didn't go. Gradually though, it subsided into nothing but a throbbing headache.

"Not so tough now are you?" One of the girls before asked.

"Shut up..." Nakahara growled before taking a step forward and starting to walk off. She needed to leave. She couldn't stay there much longer if those girls would not leave her alone.

"You're just a weak sick girl, Nai Nakahara!" shouted another. But she froze in fear as Nai stopped walking.

Her eyes were glued to the ground and a small bitter smile crawled onto her face. "Yeah... I am... I'm a weak, and sick girl... Nothing more... Nothing less..." After releasing a bitter laugh she ran off. She wanted to be anywhere but there. Tomorrow she would be their school trip and she would be fine. No migraines. No worries. Right?


Tell me what y'all think. Should I continue it?

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