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-Chapter 4-

Once the bus arrived, the girl had had gone to her class's bus. She sat in the way back, by the window and set her headphones back upon her head and ears. Reaching into her bag she grabbed a piece of candy, a jolly rancher, and plopped it in her mouth as she listened to another song. Nai always ate candy when she was having a hard time in any aspect of her life. She had been doing as far back as she could remember.

"Do you mind moving your bag?"

The voice had come in right as her music had begun changing, retaining a moment of silence, an open window long enough for the voice to pierce her ears. Removing one headphone from her ear she looked up to see the new kid to her class—Arata Kokonoe. Their eyes connecting in a silent exchange before the girl finally moved her bag onto her lap, "Sorry." Was the only thing she muttered as she moved her headphone back over her ear and stared out the window. She felt the seat sink down a bit on his side, telling her he sat down.

Then the bus pulled off without delay once her class was seated in.


"What are you doing, darling?"

"Why aren't you practicing, love?"




"Nai Nakahara."

Nai was pulled from her thoughts as she looked up and saw her teacher searching her class for her, "Here." She raised her hand. Slowly lowering it as she saw him check off her name. Immediately taking the opportunity during roll to leave. Glancing at her surroundings she found an easy spot for her to go and without much delay or spare glances to anyone, she silently and quickly made her way out of the group and towards the emergency stairs, past a security guard.

Putting back on her headphones she turned on her music and slowly walked up the stairs heading aimlessly to any floor without her class on it. Her eyes stared down at the ground regardless of the possibility she might run into someone. Nai just wanted to be alone. She wanted everyone to disappear. And as such thoughts invaded her mind, they wandered to memories of the past...


"Hanabi... How are the headaches..?" A tall man with graying hair and a lab coat asked as he watched the child looking down at a musical score.

"... Mr. Nakahara gives me some medication to make them go away... They hurt so much... That I can't sleep or concentrate on the lessons..." The small 7-year old girl said. A child her age would've much rather preferred to be outside playing, however the girl seemed much more engrossed in staying inside. Her tone soft, monotone really. Not like the other kids in her age group, being very expressive since these were the stages youths were much truer to themselves.

"Mr. Nakahara?"

"He takes care of me when mommy and daddy take care of my brother and sister all day... Sometimes I call Mr. Nakahara big brother or papa... But don't tell mommy or daddy because they would be very upset... They don't like being seen as bad parents... They like being the center of attention... They like their little fictional fantasy where they're the best parents ever and are idolized by everyone..." The small girl stated monotonously. Her eyes never leaving the 16th to 8th notes on the page, her fingers tapping against the book as if fingering on a violin.


"What's wrong Hanabi?" A man with bright blue eyes asked, bringing the 9-year old onto his lap so she faced the piano keys. His dark purple hair reached past his ears and often fell into his eyes. He was handsome and always had a warm and charming smile.

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