Yin and Yang

562 41 16

-Chapter 5-

Burning... Everything felt like it was burning...

A sharp pain in her head... A harsh pounding in her skull... Ears ringing from all the noise...

"... Die."

Nai suddenly sat up from where she laid before letting out a soft cry of pain. Her body ached all over, making her feel heavy. "Where...?" The girl lifted a hand up to her head a bit but stopped midway when she saw her hand, fingers included, bandaged up. The white wrapping around her wrist and even up her arm, the ending obscured as it disappeared beneath the sleeve at her elbow. That's when she noticed the feeling of bandages around her neck and even beneath her clothes. Even the gauze and stitches in some places.

"Don't move like that, you idiot. You'll open up your deep wounds again... You were pretty fucked up when I found you..." Came a voice. The same voice of the person she called to help her, Haji. The man with graying, curly hair kept back in a ponytail. The owner of her workplace. "Did you jump out of the window?" He asked as he walked over.

Nai looked up from her hand to the owner of the voice, and in those few seconds she scanned the room quickly. It was dimly lit, a single bed, dark walls, and medical tools on a table by the wall. Haji stood near the door with a cup of coffee. "How long have I been out?"

"A few days... The school has been calling your cell." Haji replied.

"Did you talk to them?"


"Good." Nai looked away from the man before gently maneuvering herself to press her back to the headboard of the bed. The girl tried to recollect her thought, to access all that happened, and plan a course of action. There was only so much she could do in her condition. Taking that into consideration the girl got rid of a few options. "I'll deal with it."

"You can't run away from things, Nai... You haven't told me exactly who you are... Or what you seem to be running from... But if you continue to do that, it'll only pile up until it's able to come after you and bite you in the ass." Haji murmured before taking a sip of his coffee. His eyes not once leaving the girl on the bed. "I won't ask you to drench up your past, but don't be reckless and meaninglessly put yourself in dangerous situations. I'm too old to be getting heart attacks so often." The man stated as he held out the coffee to her. "And Chiyaki won't be happy to hear that she has to cover most of your non performing work for a while till you recover."

"Good. Maybe she won't complain about her UTI's now since she won't be able to have sex all the damn time." Nai murmured lightly before looking at the coffee then taking it gently in her hands, bringing the rim of it to her lips. She pulled it away from her when she started to hear her phone buzz on the nightstand beside her bed. The school was calling again...

"Well you're awake now. You can keep running away... or you can stay and fight for he life you already have here." Haji stated before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him.

Nai stared into the coffee as the man spoke, contemplating her next course of action. It would just be easier if she dropped out now and applied to a different school. It isn't hard and wouldn't be the first time she had done so. With a deep sigh she set the coffee down before grabbing her phone and lifting it to her ear as she answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Yes this is-"

"The school I know. What is it?"

"O-Oh well... May I speak with-"

"My parents are unavailable. This is Nai Nakahara."

"I see... well, I'm the principal, and your home room teacher says you haven't been in class since the field trip, and he's been trying to reach you for some time now since you disappeared on the day of the field trip. Is everything alright? You're missing a lot of classes and it's going to start affecting your grades."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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