first day in magic high ( enter kisha)

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kimi pov

snow,Todd,and me Walk to math class with Miss yuminami. I walk in and see the teacher."um... hi I'm new here". "oh well hello and welcome to m.h." I smile at her and sit behind snow and in front of a girl with red hair and dragon horns. during the lesson a teacher came in and needed help with something so miss yuminami went to go see what the problem was. i opened my miku bag and pulled out my drawing book. i was drawing a wolf and i see a shadow hover over me i look and its not snow cuz shes reading a book. I look forward and its the red head. she smiles kindly at me " hi there I'm kisha! and your kimi right?" i nodded to her question. " cool name so what kinda of you know creature are you?" i smiled at her question " I'm a wolf "' " oh another one like wolf boy?" i was confused who's wolf boy? i guess it showed on my face cuz she spoke " its one of the Maxwell's kids Todd only wolf here only to be equal to you" " what do you mean?" " he has a rival with..." " hey new girl!!" snow looked annoyed. i look the way were i was being call and a corner full of jocks and preps were sitting..including Todd " why don't you come over here and sit on papa's lap huh? baby?" i was pissed off man I'm gonna shove a pencil up his ass who the hell dose he think he is Mr i can do whatever i want? "  why don't you just shut the heck up before i do something your not gonna like!" one of the girls spoke " you cant do shit Lil bitch" then kisha spoke " how bot yall just shut the fuck up before i make you! if she says what she says is true then will find out in gym the whole school will be their any way" they went silent and started talking among themselves. " what happens in the gym?" " its were new student fight and were we have p.e" " OK" " thank you class for waiting back to the lesson" 

~skip to gym~ 

i walk with kisha and see snow by her locker " snow! snow this is kisha, kisha this is my friend snow" " hi snow" " hi kisha" " well girl its time to see what ' cha got" i smiled confidently " i know!" we walk through the metal doors of the arena part of the gym. we take are seats and then it starts " hello students welcome, we will be ranking are new student kimi, kagomin( kagomez) then i see a bright spot light hit my face i smile shyly. " kimi please if you may come down here" i nodded and went down the stairs to the bottom of the arena. "first dear we will  see what you are most successful in weapon, magic, etc. then we will add up you points to see if your either a bronze silver or gold "{A/N THESE RANKS  IDENTIFY THE STUDENT STRENGTHS AND WHERE THEIR RANKING IS IN GYM CLASS AND WHAT THEY NEED TO TRAIN ON} i nod "  now lets begin sweet heart who would you like to fight in these battles?" i smirked and looked straight at the preps of the school with their gold little bracelets on. " them" and she nodded they came down smirking as if they were going to win " I'm gonna put you in your place said Marci and her preppy little friends there boyfriends behind them and that includes Todd sorry snow but I'm taking him down! "now we will start with agility that means no weapons no magic!" yelled the announcer then Jase stepped to the plate. i smirk " this is gonna be fun". the bell sounded starting the fight he lunged toward me as i dodged it with pure grace " come on is that the best you got pretty boy!" he got his fist ready to launch and before it could touch my face i caught it with my own i flipped him over and did a back flip to keep are distance. I look and watch him get up my eyes watching his every move and he runs toward me and his speed was that twice of a cheetah. he grabs my arm and flips me toward the wall i get up quickly not letting my guard down he then starts running i keep up with his movements this time and when he strikes i duck making him fly over me i kick my feet up jump into the air and above him and punch him right in the gut and send him face first into the ground. everyone gasps and when the ref. comes to see if the match is over. he looks in the crowd and says " Jase is finished!" and everyone cheers especially my two buddies look at me with big ole' grins.

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