pietro maximoff

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- thanks to the support of some amazing people (you know who you are 😉), Pietro Maximoff and Loki Laufeyson will be added to the line up! this chapter and the next will be fill ins of the pervious chapters they were not in. Let me know if there are any others you want me to add!! -

- Nova Scotia born
- Superhero
- Quirky


You loved kissing and hugging Pietro. He would stop running when he saw you and he would hug you so hard. You'd laugh and he'd kiss you. You two were the quirkiest little couple anyone one had seen. You'd sit in his lap and he'd play with your hair. Pietro loved you more than anything in the world, and he wanted to show you as often as possible.


Pietro didn't sleep often. You, on the other hand, slept a lot. Your powers took a lot out of you, and sleeping and eating were the only ways to keep you stable. When it was time to go to sleep, you'd ask Pietro to at least lay down until you fell asleep. He'd lay on his back and you would lay your head on his chest. You'd fall asleep pretty quickly, then very rarely did he fall asleep after.

Nervous Tick/Bad Habit:

You would twirl your hair. You hair was a medium length and you would twirl it endlessly. Pietro knew something was wrong when you had your hair in your hands. He'd sit you down and grab your hands. He'd then ask what's wrong and you'd spill instantly.

You Have a Nightmare:

Your team, the Super Eight, was sent on another mission by SHIELD. There was trouble in Tamanghasset, Africa. A secret society of serpent hybrids was terrorizing the area around them, and you and the other 7 heroes were sent to save the day.

You say in silence while the others chattered away. You and Pietro had gotten in a fight before you left, and you hated to admit it, but he was right.

You had just found out you were carrying his child. He was ecstatic and assumed you'd stop "hero-ing" to protect the child. You refused, and he was angered. You both stayed up all night fighting. By the time you had left, it was a heated silence. You didn't even tell him goodbye. You just grabbed your suitcase and slammed the door as you left.

Once the plane landed, you all stepped out and talked about where to meet. After agreeing at the meeting point, you flew off. You landed at the sight, and 3 of your mates had made it. The building before you was abandoned, and in the middle of nowhere. You knew there were over 50 members you'd have to kill. All the team mates arrived, and you went in, guns blazing. With your ability to (insert whatever power you want), you were able to knock out quite a few.

Unfortunately, one of the men was too quick and got a hold of you. He popped out his fangs and bit your left shoulder. The poison entered your blood stream, and your world went woozy.

"Y/N!" One of the girls on the team called out. She ran to you and put her hands on you to transport you back. Once in the SHIELD quarters, you were transported to Med Bay. (I'm going to call it that because I'm a Trekkie.)

"She was poisoned!" The girl screamed. Bruce instantly took you to his station, but you had blacked out at that point.

When you had woken up, you felt...hollow. You were in so much pain and you didn't know why.

"Y/N?" Bruce asked. You nodded, letting him know you were responsive. He sighed and sat on the side of your bed.

"It's unfortunate to tell you this, but your child didn't make it." He said. Your heart broke into a million pieces.

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