christmas traditions

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Christmas Eve in front of the fireplace. It was a reminder of all you had been blessed with. Of course another would be mistletoe kisses Tony...


Christmas Eve Midnight Mass after hot cocoa at Tony's. Steve did it in his childhood, and you respected that. Though sometimes he had to give you a piggyback ride because you were falling asleep. That didn't stop both of you from going though.


Taking a drive to see Christmas lights. Bee loved the lights. The least you could do as parents is take your baby to see pretty lights. Then again, you and Bruce loved them too, so it was a good family activity across the board.


Yuletide Feasts. Ah, nothing beat the Asgardian Yuletide Feast held by All Father. You and Thor were the first ones there and the last to leave.


Decorating the Christmas tree. Bucky found it so calming as you both worked on the tree. He liked watching you hang ornaments, then struggle to get the star on top. He usually gave you a boost, which earned a kiss as thanks.


Watching Christmas movies. His favorite was A Christmas Story, and yours was Elf. You'd both sit on the couch while wrapped in blankets, watch movies, and eat mostly burnt cookies.


Opening presents. Pietro loved seeing your face light up as you received any type of present. You also got so excited when he opened his presents. Plus he liked that he could clean everything up so quickly.

- I know Christmas has come and gone, but I figured why not? You guys have been amazing, and I love you all!! -

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