Worth It (Destiel)

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Worth it
Fifth Harmony

Castiel is a dancer at a night club AU.
Human!Castiel and Hunter!Dean

The front door was slammed into Dean's face, as soon as Sam knew who it was. The Winchester brothers were in the middle of another fight after a failed hunt. Dean knew he was in the wrong but his stubbornness made winning the argument a necessity.

"Sam just let me back in!" Dean raised his voice, using a tone of authority that was reserved only for his younger brother. He rapped his knuckles against the motel room door, though Sam continued to prevail.

"You're a fucking dickhead! You know that right?! Why would I let you back inside after what you did!" Dean heard Sam's voice shout through the door, along with some heavy stomping and throwing of objects. A sharp sting shot through Dean's heart, hating to hear his brother like this; anger and disappointment lacing every word.

Failing to open the door and win Sam over, Dean turned to leave.
"I'm going out for a while..." Dean muttered to himself, dragging his feet along the pathway.

The world seemed so peaceful at night.
Limitless dark blue skies stretched on for eternity, a few bright stars scattered among the abyss commonly known as the atmosphere.

Dean grumbled to himself incoherently, and pulled his leather jacket tighter as the cool night air nipped at his exposed skin.
The things he would give just to be in front of a heater in a motel.

Before he knew it, Dean landed himself a seat at a local bar. Dean called over the bartender. She was a curvy, tanned woman with striking green eyes, though Dean wasn't in the mood right now. He felt like shit knowing he failed to protect his brother during a hunt.

He broke his last promise between himself and his father.

"Two shots please" Dean mumbled to the bartender, averting his eyes down to his samulet. The strings of his heart pulled as he brushed his fingers over the surface of the samulet. He would do anything to protect Sam.

The bartender returned shortly with Dean's drinks, and he downed them straight away with out a thought. He wanted to get so drunk that he wouldn't be able to remember his own name.

5 shots and 3 beers later Dean was stumbling over to the pole dancers and lap dancers. He began to cheer and wolf whistle as a slim, Asian woman sauntered on stage. Dean instantly lost all his dignity as he threw his money at her, egging her on.

While Dean was immersed in the show, a confident young man made his way over to him. He was wearing nothing but a pair of black boxers, a tan trench coat and a bright blue tie to match his illuminant eyes.

The mystery sex God leaned over the back of Dean Winchester's chair and whispered in his ear. His hot breath ghosting across the side of his face.

Dean felt a wave of arousal wash over him and a shiver traveled up his spine.

"How would you like your own private show?"
His deep voice was sultry and seductive. Dean's mouth suddenly became dry and couldn't help but stutter as he turned around to face the mystery man.

The man's ocean blue eyes made Dean hard on the spot. He could feel a warm blush spreading over the back of his neck and cheeks.

Now Dean Winchester was a straight man but the sight of this angel was definitely making him rethink his sexuality.

The young, fit, dark haired man turned Dean's chair to face him. The Winchester's back was now facing the Asian beauty. The lap-dancer wanted Dean's undivided attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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