I Think I Want To Marry You

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Marry You
Bruno Mars

Castiel's POV

One hour to go until my shift ends, and there is still a steady stream of coffee-addicts flowing through the door.

Can't they all just go home! I taped Doctor Who last night and I'm missing out on quality time with Marshmallow.
He's my cat.

"Hey Cas! Can you come over here real quick and take this order for me?" I hear Charlie shout in her stressed voice. She's trying to take orders and make coffee's for 50 people all at once.
All while I'm daydreaming about the Doctor and my cat ...

I call to her over the pie display; "Yeah no worries". I shove the apple pie I just made into the display cabinet before making my way towards the till.

That's when I see Him. Dean Winchester. It's not just any guy in Manhattan. It's the Dean Winchester. He's funny, flirty, and incredibly fit!

Dean also has this weird obsession with toying with my emotions; He claims he wants to marry me. As if! Why would someone like Dean Winchester want to marry a low-life pie baker like me?

My stomach instantly feels queasy with the thought of having to put up with the next 5 minutes, filled with sarcastic flirting.

"No I can't" I say to Charlie as she whips by in a flurry of coffee cups and beans. I try to grab her hand but she yanks away.

"Please Cassie", Charlie pleads over her shoulder as she puts down a few shots of coffee into the paper cups, "Can't you see I'm busy?"

I instantly feel bad for wanting to slack off and hide away from the customers.

But then I take a look at the till and Dean is there, winking at me while he seductively plays with his lip ring.
That is hot! No I mean ew.

I do not think that Dean is hot, or sexy, or smart, or amazing, or God's gift to Earth. Oh who am I kidding!
He looks like a Sex God.

"But it's Dean"

"But I don't care"

"Charlie you know I can't take his order"

"But Cassie there's no one else here to do it. So if you miraculously hire someone in the next 30 seconds and train them, please let me know. So I can quit my job."

I grumble as I drag my feet over to the front counter till. I pick at the whitlow's on my fingernails and I stare at the ground below me.

Without raising my eyes, I mutter:
"Hi, Welcome to Muffin Madness. What can I get for you?"

"A wedding cake"

My eyes shoot up and I instantly regret it. Dean is there smirking and being sexy as per usual.

"What type of w-wedding cake did you want? We have chocolate and red vel–"

Dean cut me off; "What flavour did you want? I was thinking vanilla for our wedding? Or are you a kinky kind of guy? Should we go all out and get rainbow?"

Dean continues to rattle off ideas for our wedding cake. No way in hell am I marrying him. There's this process of "dating" that I would like to try.

"Dean... I'm not, you know... 'tying the knot' with you.."

"Come on, I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go.... No one will know..."
Dean frowns every time I roll my eyes; "Oh, come on, Cas!"

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