Baby, it's cold outside

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Baby It's Cold Outside
Michael Bublé and Idina Menzel

Destiel Christmas AU

"Please just five more minutes, Cas" Dean whines from his seat on the couch by the fire, mug of eggnog in his hand.

It's Dean's first Christmas alone from Sam, as he moved in with his girlfriend Jess.

He feels lonelier around the holiday season, especially tonight on Christmas Eve, so he invited his long-time best friend over. Castiel is his name. Dean has a major crush on him, and it's bad. Like butterflies and sweaty palms bad.

Castiel stands to grab his coat from the coffee table, he looks down at Dean;
"I really can't stay–"

"Baby it's cold outside" Dean says quietly, as he looks out the window to see snow slowly drifting down to the icy ground.

A reluctant look spreads its way across Castiel's face and he awkwardly shuffles from foot-to-foot.

"My mother will start to worry–" Castiel mumbles as he turns his jacket right-side out. He slides one arm through the jacket sleeve before Dean interrupts him.

"Beautiful, what's your hurry?"

Castiel can't help but to blush. Dean is unaware of Castiel's crush on him, and every time Dean throws around compliments, he turns into a tomato.

Dean pushes his blanket off of his lap and places the mug onto the coffee table. He stands and helps Castiel take off his jacket. Dean slowly caresses down Castiel's arm; he feels him shiver under his touch.

"Maybe just half a drink more...."
Castiel goes to sit down and Dean walks into the kitchen to fill Both the mugs back up.

He calls from the kitchen, his head half in the fridge; "Put some records on while I pour!"

Dean takes out the eggnog and pours it into their mugs. He quickly zaps them in the microwave and then carries them back into the living room. Dean is welcomed by the sight of Castiel huddled into a ball of blankets by the fire.

Castiel looks up into Dean's glistening eyes, from his spot on the floor. He reaches out and takes the warm mug of eggnog from his hands and takes a precautions sip.

"Say, what's in this drink?"

The comment is brushed off and Dean peaks out the window to look at the desolate street.

"No cabs to be had out there"

Castiel ponders his slim chance of survival, if he ventures out into the snowy blizzard. He reluctantly comes to the conclusion that he should stay at Dean's. Even though his parents are probably worried sick, and the weather has cut off all the phone lines.

Castiel takes another sip and gazes into the crackling wood of the fireplace:
"I wish I knew how—"

"Your eyes are like starlight now"
Dean twirls a piece of Castiel's stray hair between his fingers.

"—To break this spell"

Castiel turns to see that Dean has dropped down beside him. Now they are both in a nest of blankets, huddled in front of the fire.

Castiel can't help but feel butterflies every time Dean's hand strokes swirled patterns across his cheek or hand.

Dean can't help but feel nauseous every time Castiel gives him that look. What if he thinks I'm a creep for playing with his hair?

"Mind if I move in closer?" Dean asks Castiel, very politely, as he drapes his arm around Castiel's lower back. He is squeezing them so close that there is no air between the side of their thighs and torsos.

Castiel speaks up, and side glances at Dean:
"At least I'm gonna say that I tried–"

"What's the sense in hurting my pride?"

"–I really can't stay"

"Baby don't hold out, ah, but it's cold outside"

Dean places his mug on the ground and leans over to pry Castiel's mug from his hand, also placing it on the ground.

Castiel tries to shrug off his blanket and he makes and attempt to stand up, in order to leave. The blizzard had calmed a bit, this would be a perfect time to race home before his parents would send out a search party.

"I've got to get home–"

"Oh, baby, you'll freeze out there"

Dean tugs Castiel down into his lap, and wraps the blanket around them both.

"Say lend me your coat?"

"It's up to your knees out there"

A stray piece of raven black hair has fallen into Castiel's right eye. Dean gingerly tucks it behind his ear.

"You've really been grand"

"Thrill when you touch my hand"

A warm, rosy blush blossoms over both the men's cheeks. Castiel turns away, hiding his red cheeks from Dean. He can't let him know that Dean makes him feel this way, or then he'll know.

Castiel thinks of all the gossip that Gabriel will spread to his many siblings if they found out that he had stayed the night at Dean Winchester's house. They would flip. They would also think that they had a lot of sex.

"There's bound to be talk tomorrow"

Worry flickers through Castiel's eyes. Dean leans in to peck a small and innocent kiss onto his nose.

"Think of my life long sorrow"

Dean earns a beautiful, heart warming laugh from Castiel, at that comment.

"At least there will be plenty implied" states Castiel, remembering the last time that Gabriel found out that Dean and Castiel went to go for 'coffee'.

"–If you caught pneumonia and died"
Dean seemed to feel it was his mission to protect Castiel from all disease and sickness, now that he doesn't have Sam to care for.

Castiel smiles at the extreme cuteness and domestic behaviour that Dean is displaying. He can't help but to spontaneously kiss him.

A warmth spreads through his body as his life long dream comes true.

I'm finally making out with Cas. I knew he couldn't resist my charms.

I'm finally kissing Dean. I really hope I'm doing this right.

The pull their lips apart and gaze longingly into each other's eyes.
Castiel pulls Dean into a hug and whispers into his ear:

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay the night"

A gasp catches in Dean's throat and he leans back in to kiss his new boyfriend. Both men decide that it's the best Christmas yet!

The wonderful artwork is by
I couldn't ask for permission so if you'd like it taken off just let me know :)

And to all those who don't celebrate Christmas I hope you have a wonderful day anyway because everyone deserves it!
Stay safe over the holiday period and share your love :)

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