Day 14

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Here's to the start of another day. Good morning. It's Sunday!

I go to church on Sunday, and I normally help with the sound room. So I had to wake up an hour earlier than I normally do. *sigh* *yawn* But I enjoy listening to the worship team practice. I don't know if that's just me. Deal with it! Sorry. I'm weird early in the morning.

So today I'll go through typical motions. I go to worship and Sunday school. Sometimes I'm late so I don't eat breakfast and I feel bad for the people who interact with a grumpy and hungry me. Then I help serve lunch and eat it of course to satisfy my rapidly emptying stomach. Seriously, I swear there's a hole in my stomach because my food disappears so quickly. Then after church I would normally go home, do something, walk my dog then eat dinner with my fam.

Today's different. After lunch, I'm taking my friend home with me. We're going to bake scones and maybe a cake. My mom wants us to bake because her boss's last day is tomorrow before she resigns. After a great time baking, around 5 pm my friend and I are going to someone's house for SNYF (Sunday Night Youth Fellowship) with pur church peeps. We'll stay there until 8. We'll just be hanging out and enjoying ourselves.

Then I go home, wait for my friend to be picked up, shower and I highly doubt I'll sleep early. I'll do something on the computer or my phone until my dad turns off the WiFi (seriously, it happened last night) and sleep until like 10 tomorrow.

Tomorrow's a fresh start. I also need to start packing for my mission trip. K then. See ya tomorrow morning.

Today's quote: 'Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.'
-Joseph Campbell

Song lyric: 'Now I can't wait
To hold you in my arms
I know I was made for you
I'm in love with all of your charm

It's the way you walk
The way you talk
The way you make me feel inside
It's in your smile
It's in your eyes
I don't wanna wait for tonight'

-Daydreamin' by Ariana Grande

Question to readers: What do you like to do with your friends?

Magic word: moist (when I say it over and over it starts to sound weird and makes me squirm)

*the pic above is of my friend, Nat and I :) she's a fellow STUCO officer at my school

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