Day 34

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*pic is of my recently cut hair and the French macarons*

Simple summary of what I did today in order: church- I got to socialize with friends like The_Youngsta and ThomasCheung0, ate dim sum for lunch, which was very tasty, then I went to Bed Bath and Beyond for my relatives to get a contraption called an Aeropress for coffee then I visited Sprouts.

After Sprouts I finally returned home around 3:30 pm and I went to an open house that was for lease near my home. I liked walking around the house because it had a cozy atmosphere. Of course, the agent was friendly but all I said was hi. I walked back home (that's how close it was) and studied English and Chemistry vocab for an hour. For English, I'm required to read a certain number of minutes, so I read my book for an hour and discovered that for my book I read 450 words per minute. I can't believe I read that fast. Its not accurate because I counted short words but still, that's around 400 if I cut out words like of, and, for, etc.

Studying sucked away most of my free time and my mental energy, except I enjoyed my homework of reading. Then my aunt, uncle, dad, mom and I walked for a little more than a mile with my dog.

My aunt made French macarons while I was studying and I tried some so the walk helped me burn off the calories.

I honestly didn't do anything super interested today, so sorry if this entry was boring.

Today's quote: 'It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.' -Rene Descartes

Song lyrics: 'I see the magazine workin' that Photoshop
We know that s*** ain't real, come on now, make it stop
If you got beauty, beauty, just raise 'em up
'Cause every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top'
-All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor

Magic word: language. French has a lovely culture and the language itself sounds soothing to me which is why I took French.

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