Day 19

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Hey guys! Sorry for a super late update. I've been busy since I'm going on a trip on Sunday, and I don't know if I will have my phone because I technically have a lame slide phone and this phone because of a problem with AT&T and data plans.

So since I haven't had time to think of something to write, this will be super short. So sorry.

Its finally the end of the week, which means one week closer to school. I have mixed feelings because I can see all my school friends again, but homework is not exactly enjoyable when you're a high school student and you want good grades for your future.

Today I woke up and first thing I did was try this thing I found online. Did you know you can naturally lighten your hair with hydrogen peroxide? And you can speed up the reaction if you spend time in the sunlight. So I did that twice today because the first time wasn't super obvious, and because why not? So the tips of my hair are lighter, but it's only obvious if I hold it up to my roots.

Second best thing I did today was lunch. I ate steak! My dad is an amazing cook and I don't think I'll need to eat dinner. Sorry to those vegetarians reading this, but steak to me is one of the most awesome foods ever.

Other than that, I was packing for my mission trip coming up and being productive. :)

Then in the afternoon I had my cello lesson. I felt kind of bad because I hadn't practiced much since I just returned from my STUCO camp, and I told him honestly that I was rusty. I worked hard and it was a good lesson.

Now I have church tonight and I get to hang out with some great people.

Today's quote: 'Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. -Malcolm Forbes'

Song lyrics: 'Lady, running down to the riptide
Taken away to the dark side
I wanna be your left hand man
I love you when you're singing that song and
I got a lump in my throat because
You're gonna sing the words wrong'

-Riptide by Vance Joy

Magic word: 'classic' Yeah, like classical music.

*I just updated the story I've been working on. The pic up there is my new cover that I made recently. Please check out my story, vote and comment. Thanks for being supportive! Stay swagalicious.*

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