Day 36

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Wow, it's been 11 days since my last update...

Hi guys, yeah it's me again. So I know I haven't updated in a while, and the reason was 1) I went to a wedding last week (more details later in the entry) and 2) school. I'll go in chronological order so the events don't seem confusing.

Last week, in the U.S. was Labor Day. Labor Day is September 7th but the wedding I attended occurred on the Saturday before Labor Day. My family and I drove from one state to another, which totaled in 8 hours of driving, on a Friday night. I left my house after I returned from school that afternoon. I arrived at my aunt's house at 4 am, showered and promptly fell asleep.

Oh, and did I mention that the place I went to, also known as Louisiana, was filled with mosquitos? I won't mention them later, but I did get bitten throughout my trip.

So the next day, which was a Saturday, I woke up around noon and did my homework while chatting with my young five-year-old cousin, who was adorable, by the way. I might post a pic of him up there, but I don't really want to disclose his name because he's not my child, ha ha.

Then five o'clock rolled around. I jumped into the shower and my mom helped me with my hair and makeup. I wore a sleeveless mint dress with polka dots and paired the dress with gold flats. The wedding was an unique experience. The backdrop of the wedding was the Louisiana bayou, and a live band played while guests ate and mingled.

But first, the actual ceremony had to happen. My mom's cousin, or my aunt Lynn, walked down the aisle with my grand-uncle, or my aunt's father. My grand uncle had Alzheimer's, so for many, it was touching to see him walk his daughter down to her future husband. Of course, the normal vows and kiss happened, and then the celebration began.

My cousin, Caitlynn, who I tagged in this post, sang for my aunt during dinner. My cousin was kind of stressed out, but if she's reading this, I just want to say that you have an amazing voice and mad guitar skills! You played well. After dinner there was some dancing with the jazz band playing accompanying music. I had to teach my mom how to whip and that cracked up my cousin and I.

The wedding concluded with a card reading. The cards were read by my Aunt Lynn's friend and some laughter added to the special-ness of the night. I really enjoyed spending time with family.

The next day, Sunday, I spent with my blood family, not my aunt's friends that were at the wedding. Activities that I did included BB gun shooting with my cousin, Caitlynn, swimming involving my dog which was a great moment for me, and just talking and hanging out with my younger cousin, Hailey and Vincent, my uncle's son.

All in all, the weekend was memorable so I was sad to have to leave on Monday, Labor Day, after lunch. I hugged everyone and we hoped to see each other again, although my aunt lived in California which was a distance from the South where I lived.

Anyway, fast forward to today. I accomplished a lot this weekend. September 12th, yesterday, I crammed a WHAP map (haha that rhymed) and made a present for my friend Isabel since her birthday is today, September 13th. Today, I managed to memorize 50 periodic table elements and all the vocabulary for my French class. I have a map check, element quiz and French vocabulary check tomorrow. The high school life. Sigh, and I have more STUCO work, so I hope that this week runs smoothly. I also got to finally practice some cello today and I feel like I can breathe, knowing that I ran through the to-do list.

Well I gotta go, so I'll hopefully be back sometime soon. Thanks for checking in!


Today's quote: 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.' -Alfred Lord Tennyson

Song lyrics: 'When I get chills at night
I feel it deep inside without you, yeah
Know how to satisfy
Keeping that tempo right without you, yeah

Pictures in my mind on replay
I'm gonna touch the pain away
I know how to scream my own name
Scream my name'

-Love Myself by Hailee Steinfield

Magic word: perserverance.

Plus, go check out 2cellos and their YouTube site. They're great musicians so I hope they'll catch your interest. ;)

A Collection of Notes, Reflections and DreamsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon