Chapter Fifteen

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After Aunt Catherine revealed the news so suddenly, everyone began asking numerous questions all at once, to which she dismissed. She didn’t like the fact that we were all creating noise in the maternity ward. Plus, both Kelly and baby Nicolas were exhausted, and the last thing they needed was a loud argument to ruin their peace. Instead, Aunt Cath said we would discuss the matter back at home, to which everyone agreed. We stayed at the hospital a little while longer, admiring the sleeping baby, and then we got ready to head home.

"You coming with us, Dean?" Auntie asked, zipping up Renae’s coat.

He shook his head. "I’ll stay here," he announced, stroking back his partners hair as she began to drift off to sleep. She nodded and we all got into Lionel’s seven-seater.

"Everything fine with the child, Ms. Reeves?" he questioned in his usual professional tone.

She nodded. "He’s gorgeous. You really should have come inside with us to see him."

He laughed tensely. "I’m quite alright. I will see him back at the house." Then he drove off. I stared outside the window into the blistering night. The sky was a murky blue, now marred with faint stars in the distance. I noticed the cresset shape of the waning moon behind a cloud and sighed deeply. I just couldn’t wait to get inside and nestle in my comfortable bed. It had been a long week of agonizing fear and confusion—therefore, I desperately needed the rest.

"Kimmy," Renae quietly said beside me. I looked at her small frame, still holding onto her precious bag of Skittles.

"What is it?"

"Are we moving house?" I contemplated my response. I didn’t want to give such a direct answer, just in case Aunt Catherine changed her mind. However, I also didn’t want to lie by saying no.

"I’m not sure, Renae," I finally said in low tones. She huffed petulantly before stuffing more skittles in her tiny mouth. "I’m sure everything will work out," I soothed, brushing back her curly hair. She nodded and rested her head on my shoulder.

We eventually arrived home and said farewell to Lionel as he sped off. Taylor headed straight upstairs to her room, already on the phone. I removed Renae’s jacket and then my own, leaving them on the hook before turning to Derrell.

"Take Renae upstairs. You both need to get changed. School tomorrow." They both groaned in unison and rolled their eyes simultaneously—a habit they both shared as close siblings.

"It’s still early," he complained.

"Yeah, and I’m not even tired," she grumbled.

"You still need to change," I countered. He sighed and led Renae upstairs. Once they were out of earshot, I diverted to the kitchen where Aunt Cath was conjuring up some late-night hot chocolate and closed the door behind me.

"Can we talk?"

She jumped, saw it was me by the door and then held her chest. "My God, Kim. You startled me! It’s like you don’t have footsteps."

I smiled weakly and joined her at the kitchen table. "It’s about what you said at the hospital..."

She frowned slightly. "Do we really have to chat about that now? I’m tired."

"Well it was a little bit sudden," I defended. "No-one is really happy about the news."

She stroked around the rim of her treasured mug with an index finger. "Are you not happy either?"

I paused at the enquiry. "Well, I’m not particularly thrilled..."

"I just thought it would be nice to move on. Wouldn’t it be exciting to try a new environment?"

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