Chapter Seven

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It was a tough battle for my eyelids to open, but when they finally did my head throbbed excessively. My chest was tight and my throat was sore. I coughed and my lungs up-roared into a painful inferno. I gradually sat up and viewed my surroundings. I had no idea where I was. Then I peered down at my body; the clothes I had on was torn right down the middle, and dried blood stained my legs in little rivulets.

I held onto the bin to aid me to stand but my legs gave way and I collapsed again. Where am I? How did I end up here? I glanced up at the dark, gloomy clouds. My palpitating forehead made it virtually impossible to even regain consciousness properly. It seemed there were gaps in my memory; I couldn’t recall a single thing. I didn’t understand how I ended up in this circumstance. The floor was damp and the waste bins emitted a strong fetor that made my eyes water. The only thing I could remember was Ajay. I was at his house weren't I? But I left and I journeyed home.

Did I even make it home?

Well clearly not...I wouldn’t be here right now.

The painful sensation between my thighs didn't calm me either; I felt uncomfortable and used. I finally struggled to stand correctly and tried to gather my addled brain.

Was I dumped here, or did I do this to myself?

I rubbed my tense neck and felt around for my Blackberry. It was gone. I began to panic and clumsily searched through my bag which was left astray along with my unconscious body. Everything was gone; my money, my phone, my debit card...everything.


I released a great sigh and supported myself as I attempted to sustain my posture. Where did you go wrong Kim?

It was a busy day. A vast amount of cars were stuck in traffic and the streets bustled with active pedestrians. I blinked to adjust to the new radiance and held a hand to my forehead. I really had to get my bearings.

Confusion swept over me as I tried to speculate where on earth I was. Maybe if I retraced my steps? The amount of stares I received from numerous citizens destroyed my self-confidence completely. Through their eyes I may look like a beast, or even a homeless person going for a stroll, but I actually needed my home right now. The amount of times I've taken home for granted, wishing I could live somewhere else, and God had granted me that wish.

But this isn't what I had in mind.

Eventually I came to a familiar street: my street. A pleasant vibe was emanated as young children played out in the street. I wasn't sure exactly how long I had been walking for but my feet were killing me. All the children stopped and stared as I stalked past them, still experiencing the worst pains imaginable. I approached my home in one piece and had a shortage of breath. With no keys, no phone and no clue as to what happened to me; I rang the doorbell and waited patiently. I heard Taylor's faint voice through the door.

"Hold on!" she called. The door opened and she was stood there with dripping hair and a damp towel around her form. Her eyes fell on me and she froze as she watched me in astonishment. "What the hell happened to you?"

Before answering any necessary questions, I stepped inside and swiftly shut the door. My head throbbed mercilessly, along with the area between my thighs, not to mention the heels of my feet which were burning.

"Where is Aunt Cath?" I questioned quietly as I peered around. It hurt to speak; my throat was hoarse and sore.

"Police station."

I cocked an eyebrow. "Why there?"

"She's given up on Derrell so she's reporting him missing to the police."

Life's a BitchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora