chapter 6

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Next morning
I wake up and feel so drained out because we stayed up so late last night. Michael was out of bed wear could he be

Michael pov
I woke up really early just to make her breakfast. I pour some orange juice I take it up the stairs carefully and slowly. I dont want to drop this amazing breakfast. I entered the room and see liza sitting up in her bed she looks very tired. We were up really late watching charlie chaplen.  Morning liza I made you some breakfast
Aww your to sweet mike
Here you go I no how much you love orange juice.
Thanks Mike
She grabbed the plate and orange juice she put it on her counter next to her bed. She looks at the food her eyes grow bigger. She dived right in and grabbed a huge bight of the pancake. I just laugh and sit down and eat some of my eggs.
This is delicious mike!
Ya amazing
Thanks I started to feel warm. I think it might be the coffee I am drinking I got up quickly and ran to the looking at the beautiful view its so amazing.  I feel a hand touching my shoulder I turned around to see liza smiling at me. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I just smile I ran into the bathroom to get dressed . I came out dressed in a red button up top and my black pants.  She ran into the bathroom after me she came out in a beautiful pink sun dress. You looke amazing
Yes why would I say that if you dont
I grabbed her hand and I said: why dont we go ride around the town. See all the amazing sights and people
Dont forget the food
Yes the food!
We head out the door and the body guards walk behind us. We get into a limo. We started to drive down a rode that went directly into the city. There was a rode just like that but above us. We drove past a huge hotel we are going to stay there from now on till the consert its closer to the stadium.  Its massive we look in aww. We drove past a massive engan garage building a lot of people must be in there. We drove up a a street called main street there was a huge church and beautiful lights on all the palm trees. In the next street was a building with mr Nelson Mandela face on it. It was amazing I took a hole bunch for pictures. We head up onto a nother strret I forgot the name but it was full of stalls and people selling stuff like food, flowers, toys, bagsa nd those toy lights. They say that we should come here during Christmas time because you can walk through the streets and look at the lights this is amazing
Lizas pov
We stopped at a little café called littel Paris. Michael put on his descise and we walked in. It was really beautiful it was decorated in all types of purple shades and the effel tower was on the wall. Me and mike sat down in a light purple booth. The waiter came
What would you like to eat sir
Hi can I have the spaghetti with meatballs
And you maam
Yes I would love the sea food platter
That will be all
Oh can you add to sodas
Yes right away
So ordered our food we sat and chatted for a bit.
So this place is beautiful isn't it mike
Yes very he took my hand over the table I just smiled
So what is our next stop on tour
Well this is it the we get a 2 week break
Thank god
As I said that the food came it looks so good. Delicious I said as soon as I took a bit into the lobster. My sea platter was so colourful it had lobster, calamari, prawns and fish. The sodas came soon after. Michaels spaghetti looed delicious too.
This is amazing
Ya this spaghetti is cooked perfectly
Well you sound like a reall food taster
Well remember I am a chef
After we were done eating we paid the bill and walked out.we found a bench by a fountain that has a perfect view of table mountain. In the evening they show lights on to table mountain so people can see it. We were sitting there for a I lay my head on his chest. He rubbed my head. I finally get up to see him asleep I laughed a bit. First thing I did was take a selfi and then woke him up.
WHAT!! What just happened
You fell asleep silly
Oh haha well come on we have to get home now its really late.
Ya so we head to the limo and we drove back home. When we arrived mike picks  me up
What are you doing
Taking you inside
Oh this is fun
We got inside and he put me down on my bed we laughed for a while and then just looked at each other in a loving way. Then he walked away and went to the tv. Whats on mike
Charlie again
Oh lets watch
We watched another hole marathon again. We were up till 5 am . Finally when it was over I look over and see mike sleeping. I dont wake him up I just switched off the tv and went to bed.

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