A normal day walking

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Simon's pov
I walked in the Forrest around yoglabs until I tripped over to be faced by a pack of wolfs "shit" I murmured I stood up and pulled out my diamond sword they growled it looked like there was 15 of them they jumped at me I swung my sword at them but I missed one of them and they bit me "ow fucking bugger!" I shouted slashing at it more started comeing I started running towards yoglabs "LEWIS DUNCAN OPEN THE DOOR!" I shouted running they stood at the door mouths open wide I run past them as they closed the door I slid across the marble floor I lost grip and slipped over the front desk head first Duncan and Lewis ran up to me "should I ask?" Lewis asked "no" I said Duncan jumped the desk and helped me up "dude your hand it has a bite mark" Duncan said pointing it out "I just need a bandage" I said walking to first aid I walked past a few testifices that asked about the bite I ignored them and soon made it to first aid "*sigh* Simon what have you done this time?" Asked the nurse "who said I did something wrong?"  I asked she pulled out her phone and showed a text from Lewis
Simons on his way down with a wolf bite
"Damit Lewis!" I shouted "sit down on the bed ill get the bandages" the nurse said walking off I sat down on the bed she came back and started wrapping my hand up I winced in pain "come on a dwarf hurting from a little bite?" She asked I smiled sheepishly  I stood up and walked out I went to my office and sat down I looked at my emails junk junk work fire drills nothing important I walked to the back of my room and went through the painting to revel my room I laid down in my bed and soon fell asleep
Duncan's pov
I walked silently into Simons room that dwarf was snoring loudly I got my scraper and scraped a bit of skin off Simon he stirred I stood still and held my breath soon he was back to snoring I signed in relief I tip toed out and ran to the research lab I put Simons skin into a machine it scanned his skin "Duncan what are you doing?" Lewis asked "just checking if something got into his DNA" I said the image came up as normal "see he's fine and we need to get some sleep me and Simon are heading to the Jaffa factory you?" Lewis said "just gonna be working on stuff with Kim in my castle try and fix the flux on her and the sphere" I said "wait you fixed that thing?" Lewis asked "yea I might need it" I said "even after it took you to the galactic craft server then the new Trekkit server and now this one?" Lewis pointed out I shrugged"well it's just an empty sphere nothing is in it I might use it like a jail or something" I pointed out "let's just get some sleep" Lewis said walking off I followed he turned off to his room and I walked to mine and walked through my painting to revel my room I laid down and soon fell asleep
Next day
Kim's pov
I woke up in my tower and got changed I put on my dragon wings ring dragon wing appeared on my back I stretched and flew out of my tower to see Duncan flying towards me still wearing his fairy wings ring "morning!" I said "morning Kim" Duncan said "so wanna see what hat films are doing?" I asked "sure you have the invisibility potions?" Duncan asked I nodded and handed him one he took his armour off he drunk his potion and I drunk mine we flew over to hat films and snuck in "Ross what are you doing with my wand!?" Smiff yelled "stuff" Ross said "would you 2 quite fighting like fucking girls and help me with the nukes!" Trott yelled Smiff and Ross walked over to the nuke line me and Duncan followed Duncan held me back I looked at him (if others and u r invisible u can see them and they See you) "Kim we should steal some of their resources" Duncan said I nodded we flew over to the chest that said -STUFF FOR NUKES- me and Duncan open the chest and took everything "kim lets go our potions are wearing off" Duncan said I nodded and followed we flew out and landed on their hat films sign our potions wore off "Duncan we should totally leave something that's says you've been flux buddied" I said Duncan pulled out a chisel and I put stone down he made i look like us holding a sign I wrote on the sign you've just been flux buddied! Me and Duncan laughed as we flew towards the castle we landed as Duncan put the invisible force field up he opened the big doors and we walked in I put my stuff in a chest to be sorted and Duncan did the same "so what you wanna do now?" Duncan asked I shrugged "I'm just gonna go back to my tower and play with billy" I said walking to my tower
Trott's pov
We were standing at the assemble line but nothing came out I groaned as I walked over to the chest I opened it and nothin was there "ROSS SMIFF GET OVER HERE NOW!" I yelled they came running over I pointed to the chest they looked in and shook their heads I guess they don't like seeing a angry walrus I went to the lift which took us out side I looked up at the hat films sign to see statues I put my jetpack on and flew up it was statues of Kim and Duncan holding a sign -you've just been flux buddied!- "they're gonna pay!" I screamed "so um what are we gonna do?" Smiff asked "well green man we are gonna go to their castle and get it back" I said they put on their jet packs and we flew over to Kim and Duncan's castle "DUNCAN!!" Ross yelled Duncan walked out to one of his balconies "what's up walrus green man and Ross?" Duncan asked calmly "oh I don't know YOU STOLE OUR NUKE SUPPLES!" I yelled Kim flew up to Duncan "us why would you suspect us?" She asked "because of the sign and statues you left on our sign!" Smiff yelled they looked at echother and started laughing "it takes you this long to find out" Kim laughed I flew forwards into his force field I banged on it "Trott it's a force field you idiot you can't get through we have programmed it so hat films don't get in" Duncan said i was fuming I hated being called and idiot "we'll be back!" I yelled flying off "Trott calm down!" Ross said "CALM DOWN?CALM DOWM!? THAT FUCKER CALLED ME AN IDOIT AND SNUCK THROUGH OUR FORCE FIELD SO HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?!" I yelled when I flip out like this Ross and smiff leave me alone
Sijn's pov
I walked around the Jaffa factory while sips slept I waited for Lewis and Simon to arrive I walked inside the factory and up to the freezer level I got some ice and flew down again I ran to mine and sips room sip was snoring loudly I held the ice in my hands I lifted up the collar of his outfit and shoved the ice down sips woke up with a jolt and rushed out side I was laughing so hard "SIJN!" Sips yelled I looked up to see sips was fuming I ran past him quickly and flew up with my flying ring sips chased after me "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU YOUR GONNA REGRET THAT!" Sips yelled "worth it!" I yelled I flew past Lewis and Simon "what the?" Simon said I hover behind them "don't tell sips I'm here" I begged sips flew up to Lewis and Simon "have you seen sijn?" Sips asked Lewis and Simon shook their heads "what did he do?" Lewis asked "while I was sleeping he shoved ice down my shirt!" Sips said Lewis and Simon snickered "ITS NOT FUNNY!" Sips yelled "it's not ok just head back to the Jaffa factory an if we see sijn we will tell him you want to see him" Simon said sips grumbled and flew back Lewis and Simon turned around "worth it" I said we all started laughing "he's gonna kill you when he gets the chance you know that right?" Simon said I nodded "what's up with your hand?" I asked Simon tucked it away and flew off raised an eyebrow "wolf bite" Lewis said I nodded and flew towards the Jaffa factory

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