Hope is here

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Still sick but that ant gonna stap meh so on with da story
Teeps pov
Everyone was at the meeting spot everyone was talking on what to do obviously I stayed away because I'm a mute dinosaur that's now a vampire crazy right it's not that bad being a mute sometimes I can sneak into the kitchen after Zoey is done making cookies and I might take a few but when Rythain tries it's funny to watch him get told off by Zoey thinking he took the cookies never been caught but it's also bad being a mute cant talk and all giving advise and all 'I want to give some advise' I thought -hey teep you ok?- Ridgedog asked I turned around and faced him I shook my head "what's up then?" Ridge asked I shook my head 'he's a demigod he should be able to figure it out' I thought I huffed and walked off -wait!- ridge called I shook my head and changed into a bat and flew into 1 of the trees and hung there I felt a tear escape from my eyes "hey watch it!" Martyn said looking up I sat up on the branch properly and changed back "oh teep sorry I didn't know it was you" Martyn said I sniffed 'yea just like everyone esle' I thought "hey I didn't mean it like that" Martyn said I looked down at the blond wolf and gave him a confused look "king of the saplings I can hear the trees they can hear people's thoughts including you" Martyn explained 'so I'm sorta talking to you?' I thought Martyn nodded "so what's up? I saw you run away from ridge" Martyn said 'everyone can talk ether by telepathically or by speech and if you hadn't noticed I can't talk' I thought "you've tried the talking I know that why don't you try and speak telepathically?" Martyn asked I shrugged -h-hello?- I asked -who is this?- Rythain asked -T-teep and I FINALLY FOUND A WAY TO TALK AHAH- I said happily leaning back as soon as I did that I fell backward onto the ground with a thud Martyn ran up to me I saw smiling "I guess it works?" Martyn asked I nodded -OMN (oh my notch) TEEP YOU CAN TALK SORTA BUT STILL!!!- Zoey yelled -is Martyn with you?- Ridgedog asked -yes- I said (STILL SUPER HAPPY HE CAN TALK) -good bring him back- Rythain said I signalled for Martyn to follow me Martyn nodded
-Le time skip because I'm sick and my brain no good Le poof-
Toby's pov
All the werewolfs ran on the ground trying to pick up a sent while the vamps flew over head keeping a look out Simon stopped sniffing the ground "what are you doing?" I asked "let's call it an instinct" Simon said lifting his head back and started howling and if as on cue all the wolfs started howling once Simon stopped soon every stopped "what the hell was that?!" Rythain yelled "I have no idea but it felt good" I said "it's a wolfs instinct it's to locate other wolfs in there pack they find Kim and Duncan we find our other vampires" Ridgedog explained my ears perked up I moved my head trying to find the sound two other howls I ran towards the sound "Toby!" Martyn yelled I ignored him and kept running I herd the others pick up on it because I herd them start to run the same way I was the howling got stronger as I ran closer I herd Lewis and Hannah screaming at Kim and Duncan to shut up I saw a big black building that looked like a prison I ran up the logs that was stacked in front of the window and looked in "guys?" I asked Lewis turned around "Toby thank god your here" Lewis said "not just me" I said "did anyone bring a pickaxe?" I asked everyone shook there head "can any of the vampires break the bars?" Simon asked everyone looked at Ridgedog with his glowing Amber eyes he flew over to where I was and changed back and pulled the bars out completely Hannah and Lewis changed and flew out while Kim and Duncan jumped out everyone ran back to the forest once we got there the wolfs collapsed with exhaustion panting hard while the vamps just walked around talking "so what was with the howl was it just me or did it feel good to do that?" Duncan asked everyone nodded "you should have given us a warning you nearly bursted our eardrums" Lewis yelled everywolf just laughed
Zenix's pov
I walked back to the cell to see some of the iron bars where missing "I expected this!" I yelled "but you still didn't stop it did you?" The spirt asked "ugh no but I will kill them" I said "whatever you say Zenix" the spirt said 'this better be worth it' I thought i ran through the cell and looked at the tracks "8 werewolves followed by 9 vampires" I mumbled I stood up and sighed I walked back to my lab 'time to do something I haven't done in a long time' I thought in a sigh I grabbed some nether rack, glowstone,redstone, and some of the garlic the vamps and wolves ate I mixed them in different potions "potions of mindcontrol" I said I ran out towards the woods I looked up as I ran "still midnight longest night of the year" I mumbled as I looked down towards the woods I drank an invisibility potion and ran faster until I saw a clearing and there stood 9 vampires and 8 werewolves I looked for the leaders there stood a orange wolf with a brown under belly and there stood what it looks like a endermage vampire and a space man vampire 'which one is the leader?' I thought I saw the space man ordering people around 'huh so he's the leader and it looks like both leaders are friends this will be interesting' I thought with a snicker I climb up into a tree "I know you hear me sapling king " I whispered one of the blond wolves turned around quickly searching for me "Martyn what's wrong?" The other blond asked "tell them your hearing me and I will make your leaders and friends pay" I hissed in a whisper "n-nothing Duncan just ya know jumpy" Martyn said "good now you have to meet me outside of sips co oh and don't bring the owners" I whispered Martyn walked near me "and if I don't?" He asked still looking around "let's just say I know everyone's weakness sapling king" I hissed pulling out flint and steel "I will never listen to you" Martyn hissed I just laughed and set a tree on fire Martyn collapsed to the ground whimpering in pain "do we have a deal?" I asked "f-fine j-just m-make I-it s-stop" Martyn whimpered I punched the fire out "meet me there in 2 hours alone understand?" I asked in a hiss Martyn nodded slowly as he stood up I jumped out of the trees and ran towards the factory
-time skip 2 hours later-
Martyn's pov
Longest night of the longest month good fortunes ahead they said well whoever said that was talking absolute birch (as in the tree don't ask) I started walking away from the group I was half way there until I'm tackled to the ground "get off me!" I yelled as I shoved the other wolf off to soon realised it was Toby "where are you going?" Toby asked "please I need some space so please leave me alone" I asked walking off "ok see you later" Toby said I ran faster towards sips co when I arrived I saw a man wearing amour it was black and red he walked more into the factory so I followed at a safe distance (what he thought was a safe distance) they kept walking it was like a maze I guess we kept walking until he stopped he turned around "so you really are brave then sapling king or should I call you Martyn?" Zenix asked "for you sapling king and who should I call you Zenix or asswipe?" I hissed "don't even try" he said pulling out a sapling then a Flint and steel he edged it closer "no! No please no" I whimpered he laughed and pulled out a potion "now drink this or suffer" Zenix hissed he dropped the bottle in front of me I put my lips around the edge of the bottle when Zenix tipped the whole thing down my throat I swallowed a bit then rolled out of the way (he tried to shove the bottle down his throat) I coughed while Zenix laughed I started to feel dizzy I collapsed "now you will listen to my voice and my voice only when I say sapling king you will listen to me and me only do you understand?" Zenix ordered I closed my eyes and fell into a void
Hey chilings I'm still very sick and I made this in one day surprise now I don't have a pesific time I update I just try and update every week let me know if I should have 1 or 2 days where I should up load I don't know but still anyway I need support I still sick anyway I'll try and update as much as I can so I will see you later chilings

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