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Smiff's pov
I stood there having to stall for time because I told everyone where we are and Martyn was in the middle of me and Zenix (PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF U KNOW WHERE I GOT HIM FROM! 😎) "make your choice smiff" Zenix threatened "what do you want with us?" I asked sounding calm "just some spirt things now choose your freedom for your friend's tourture or spare him and drink it" Zenix ordered -how much longer?!- I yelled -coming up now- Trott said "well?" Zenix asked I tightened my grip on the bottle when a bat swooped Zenix "hahahahahaha so you stalled for time impressive" Zenix said clapping his hands other bats flew behind me while wolves stood beside me "what are you gonna do your out numbered?" I asked Zenix walked closer "not another step other wise the wolves will be having the last laugh" I threatened "ok fair enough you won't mind me taking my property then would you?" Zenix said throwing down a smoke bomb all the vampires coughed as they changed back while the wolves complained that the smoke bomb gave them negative potion effects when the smoke cleared Martyn was gone along with Zenix Toby ran up to the spot and sniffed the ground "you got a scent?" I asked "no they're gone" Toby said sitting down I looked around and saw a note I walked over "hey anyone drop this?" I asked holding it out "hey that was the note that Martyn had read it out!" Toby said I opened it and read it out
To sapling king
You must read this carefully
I have a few clues in store for you
Your mind is a cell of which I now control
3 riddles your friends must solve
Go to the place no trees will grow the next riddle you will solve
That is it have fun ta ta for now this is for your friends alone
- your master
"Your master?" I asked out loud "smiff hand me the potion" Rythian said I handed him the potion he looked at it "this is a mind control potion he must have got Martyn to drink it somehow" Rythian explained "well what do we do now?" Kim asked "I say we head back to our bases and decided what to do tomorrow because 5 minutes till the suns up" ridgedog said everyone agreed and started head different ways
Kim's pov
When me and Duncan made it back to the castle we saw it was on fire EVERYTHING WAS ON FIRE we ran inside changing back as the sun rose grabbing water buckets and trying to put the fire out when the fore went out the castle was in ruins Duncan pulled out his phone "Kim it didn't just happen to us" Duncan said giving me a very worried look I looked at his phone to see photos of everyone's bases in ruins "do you think?" I asked "Zenix?" Duncan asked I nodded I flew up to my tower and searched frantically for billy when I heard a squeak from the wine cellar I flew down to see tiddles,greebo,billy and the luggage's huddled into a corner "WHERES TIDDLES?!" Duncan yelled I snickered thinking of playing a trick on Duncan "do we have to add tiddles 4 to the list of pet deaths?" I called "NO I DONT WANT A TIDDLES 5" Duncan wailed I fell on the floor laughing Duncan flew down to me "TIDDLES" Duncan screamed as he picked up his cat tiddles purred in delight I picked greebo up and stroked his fur he meowed in delight "Kim that was not funny" Duncan said "I'm sorry but that was pay back for all the tricks you played on me" I said "well looks like we are sleeping down here" Duncan said 'thank god the barrels are empty' I thought think back to the incident  I shuddered at the thought
-Le time skip of the sick writer-
Martyn's pov
I woke up In a cage I sat up and looked around "h-hello?" I called I stood up grasping onto the bars I let go almost amendmently the bars burnt my hands "HELLO ANYONE THERE?!" I yelled "well well well finally awake I see" Zenix said "why are you doing this?" I asked "just making sure I can use you as bait" Zenix said walking around the cage I was in "ok what's with the bars burning my hands?" I asked "oh just heated bars hold on to long it'll melt your hands" Zenix said "this guy is sick I say we should kill him" sap said "what has made you go insane?!" I yelled " oh dying first of all becoming a shadow night for a second and meeting a insane scientists shall I go on?" Zenix hissed I shrunk back "no" I mumbled I looked around again we were in the nether 'please dear notch no' I thought "well get used to burning hot wheatear no trees no wild life welcome to MY home now soon to be OUR home" Zenix said walking off "NO GET BACK HERE!" I screamed Zenix ignored me and left I sat down in a corner of the cage 'at least I'm not inthelittlefrost' I thought (he's only inthelittlefrost near Christmas or when he's in the snow don't ask)
-Le time skip of the still sick writer trolololol plz don't hurt meh-
Toby's pov (night time)
I started running towards the giant mine I know we were suppose to meet to discuss this but he's my best mate I can't loose him I made it to the entrance of the mine to see all of the torches were out I ran in my eyes adjusted like night vision to the dark I looked around and saw a letter I ran up to it I grabbed it with my teeth and ran out when I herd a click of a trip wire then 10 hissing sounds "10 doesn't sound good turn around and check if it's ten we need to retreat" luke ordered I turned around to see 10 creepers coming towards me I started running faster than I could have thought 'so this is werewolf speed' I thought still running (none of them had figured out how to use werewolf speed) I jumped out of the cave and kept running until I saw Simons tail "LOOK OUT!" I shouted everyone looked my way and jumped out of the way I closed my eyes putting my front legs in front of me until CRASH I opened my eyes my world was spinning and my vision was blurry "Toby? Toby can you hear us?" Someone yelled I couldn't tell who though I closed my eyes and fell into a void
Sips pov
Toby fainted "um what just happened?" I asked "I think Toby found out how to use his werewolf speed but forgot to stop" Lewis explained I looked at the giant skid mark that Toby made until he ran into a giant oak tree 'that's gotta hurt' I thought "what's in his mouth?" Zips asked I walked over "uh can one of the vamps take the note from Toby's jaws?" I asked everyone looked at me like I was crazy "he has a note probably from Zenix" I said Trott walked up "can someone pry his jaw open?" Trott asked smiff walked up and opened Toby's jaw Trott took the letter and smiff closed Toby's jaw with a SNAP everyone jumped Trott opened the letter and read it out
Congratulations you found the riddle
Riddle 3 is the key to find the next riddle he he
The next place you must go is were only fungi grow
To there you must search high and low to find the next place you must go
Someone you'll meet someone who is helpful to you atleast
Go luck to you hope this will 'help' you
"Wait so now we have to find someone to give us this next clue?" Sijn asked "apparently so" Lewis said Toby started to stir "ugh what happened?" Toby asked standing up "well take a look at the giant skid mark you made" ridgedog said pointing to the skid mark Toby whistled "ok before we get off topic how did you use werewolf speed?" I asked "well running out of the cave I saw 10 creepers I was overpowered so I ran I felt threatened I guess" Toby explained "so if we feel threaten we can use werewolf speed" Simon asked
-Le time skip to after they learn how to do it and I'm to lazy LAZY BACCA FOR THE WIN-
Zenix pov
After I set down the letter I teleported back to the nether I walked over to Martyn's cage "hello again" I said "what do you want?" Martyn asked "oh just seeing how you like the nether" I hissed "yea you would know" Martyn hissed "yea I would know that you need trees to draw strength from" I hissed back Martyn shrunk back "see you later" I said walking towards the dungeons I walked to cell number 225 'always wondered when you would be useful' I thought knocking on the bars a low growling sound came from inside the cell "come on insane wolf come into the light" I hissed the hybrid walked into the light she had light Gray hair with Gray wolf ears and tail wearing black shoes short shorts and a black tank top "guess what your going to the over world" I said she looked up at me with her ruby red eyes tears started forming I unlocked the door and walked into the cell I held out my hands the palms of my hands glowed a blood red a blood red outline cover the hybrid and she was teleported to the swamp  "he he he someone who will 'help' you" I said walking off

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