The vampire

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Rythians pov
As I walked around black rock walking to the chest room I looked in the ores chest and saw nothing "damit need to go mining" I mumbled I grabbed a pick and went down to the mines and found a revive I walked through it trying to find ores I looked around when a glint caught my eye I walked up to one of the walls and saw diamonds "sweet" I said swinging my pick at it it broke and since I had fortune on my pick it gave me 3 diamonds I turned around to be swooped by a bat I ducked I then looked up to see a bat with glowing red eyes "the fuck?" I murmured the bat swooped me again and bit my neck I punched it it fell I ran back to the door of the mine and got out I turned around to see teep he looked confused "don't worry about it" I said teep shrugged and walked off I walked to my room and flopped down onto my bed I place my hand on the bite it stung I took my hand off and looked at it,it was covered in blood "shit" I said putting a bandage on my neck Zoey walked in "you ok Rythain?" Zoey asked I nodded "then what's with the bandage on your neck?" Zoey pointed out "when I was mining I got attacked by a bat and it bit me on the neck" I explained "but ain't bats passive?" Zoey asked "not that one it had glowing red eyes" I said "well that sucks" Zoey said "I'm just gonna sleep ok zoey?" I asked Zoey nodded and walked out I closed my door then got in my bed and fell asleep I soon awoke to a pain everywhere in my body I looked in the mirror I now looked more pale I moved my tongue around my mouth to feel fangs and my eyes are now glowing purple and my hands looked more like claws I stepped out side of my room and ran to the library with more speed than usual I looked through my book until I found the page labeled vampire I read through it and everything it labeled I had I put the book down and concentrated on turning into a bat my bones shifted and I shrunk I opened my eyes to see I was a bat I flapped and flew off I flew away from black rock "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME?!" Sijn yelled I looked down to see a orange wolf with a brown under belly then a brown wolf with a white under belly I flew under the tree where they were and hung upside down "because I didn't now it would happen to you!" Simon yelled "this is so funny yet wired" I said Simon and sijn turned around trying to look for me "Rythain? Where are you?" Simon asked "look up" I said they looked at the branch I was on "how can you under stand us?" Sijn asked "maybe it's something to do with me being a vampire" I said flying down and changing back to my vampire form "how can we tell?" Sijn growled I lowered my mask revealing my fangs then I put them back "my fangs I'm now more pale my purple eyes are glowing I have super speed I can change into a bat should I go on?" I said sijn lowered his head  "how did you become werewolfs?" I asked "I got bit by a wolf and accidentally bit sijn" Simon explained I snickered sijn growled at me  then punched at me I moved to the side using my speed he looked at me in confusion "speed" I said "then how did you become a vamp?" Sijn asked "I was bit by a bat" I explained "so how do you turn back without the others noticing?" I asked "when the sun rises we change back" Simon explained "well it's nearly sunrise" I said "how are we gonna get back?!" Sijn panicked "werewolf speed you idiot" I said the sun came up they stood in the sun light and changed back I stood under the trees hey were now fully human "Rythain how are you gonna get back?" Simon asked I shrugged sijn smiled and shoved me in the sun light "watch it!" I yelled "wait why aren't you burning?" Sijn asked I rolled my eyes "I'm only half vampire because I was bit by a bat so if I bit anyone they would be half vampire too" I explained I closed my eyes and concentrate on my normal form my vampire bits disappeared "so you can turn vamp when ever?" Sijn asked "at night I'm forced to and when I'm pissed off" I explained "you need help getting back?" I asked they nodded "don't know how to use your speed" I asked they shook their heads I grabbed them and used my vampire speed we were at the Jaffa factory in 1 minute "just act like you woke up early or something" I said running back to the forest I used my flying ring I flew up and back to black rock when I got back to the castle I went to the library and researched supernatural creatures "my friend would know more about this" I said "what's their name?" Zoey asked I turned around quickly "oh she live in Somewhere across the world we used to see echother a lot until I found this server" I explained "that still doesn't answer my question what's her name" Zoey asked "zen she has a YouTube channel called thechimaster" I explained "I need to see this" Zoey said running off to the computer I laughed and shook my head I kept reading
Sijn pov
I saw Rythain fly off "if he wasn't half vampire we could have killed him oh by the way I'm jake" jake said "um Simon is it normal to hear a voice in your head?" I asked "yea it's basically your more violent side of your wolf mines called honeydew but they will give you advise" Simon said walking off "so your stuck with me even when I'm human?" I asked "yes basically" jake said I walked back to my sleep quarters and flopped onto my bed "sijn what's wrong?" Sips asked "I didn't get much sleep last night" I said "ok well nether did Simon so you and get some rest" sips said closing the door I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep

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