7. Sisterly Banter & A Soirée of Another Sort

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"No way. I'm going with you- you're not going to a high school party by yourself." Miranda stated bluntly whilst sitting comfortably in their bathroom sink.

"Like you said- it's a high school party, which is precisely why you're not coming with me." Haven countered.

"Don't know if you forgot, but I'm in high school too, sis." The redhead muttered, shooting a glare at her sister via the looking glass.

The shorter of the two - much to her chagrin- scoffed at her younger sister's defense.

"That hardly qualifies you to go to a party where there will probably be alcohol, drugs and a whole lot of other stuff going on." Haven argued as she finished applying her mascara.

"And you are qualified?" The sixteen-year-old retorted bitterly.

"That-" She stated, returning the applicator back to the tube. "-is beside the point; I'm not about over-dosing, drinking myself to death or getting an STD."

A laugh escaped the other sister, drawing the ire of the oldest.

"Huh, funny how mom instilled the same morals in both of us." Miranda quipped.

"For crying out loud!" Haven slammed her hands down on the marble countertop. "You're not going to this party- you're just a junior, Mimi." She reminded her sister curtly.

"And you're a senior who acts like a second-grader!" The redhead spat back with venom.

Haven rolled her eyes and gave herself a final once-over in the shared bathroom mirror before turning to face her sister.

"Mimi, I'm not taking you and that's final. It took a lot just to convince mom to let me go, there's no way she going to let you- especially not-" Haven glanced down at the lock screen on her phone. "-five minutes until I'm getting picked up."

Miranda hopped out of the sink and landed on the floor with a thump.

"It's that guy you've been texting this week, isn't it." The younger teen stated, crossing her arms as if she were disappointed.

"So what if it is? He's a nice guy and he lives close by."

"He's the next door neighbor, isn't he- the one that was mowing the lawn shirtless on Sunday?"

"Preston was shirtless? Huh. Guess I was too busy carrying your crap into the house and up the stairs to notice." The honey-blonde replied sarcastically.

"You offered to carry them in for me." Mimi shrugged innocently. "Bull- we both know you weren't going to do it yourself." The younger Lafferty shrugged indifferently before returning to the previous subject.

"Well, he's not ugly- so you're not a complete failure when it comes to guys." Mimi conceded with a sigh.

"Aren't you the one who always says you shouldn't judge a book by its cover?"

"Unless it's a coloring book or Twilight- then you can judge as much as you'd like." She corrected her with a grin.

"Just because you tack it on at the end of a quote doesn't make it a thing." Haven countered, rolling her eyes.

"Yes, it does." Mimi replied with a devilish smirk that guaranteed the girl would be up to something while her sister was out.

Haven was about to threaten the teenager about messing with the large box of permanent markers stashed safely under her bed when the doorbell rang. So she settled for something simpler;

"Mess with my stuff and you're dead- got it?" She threatened gripping Miranda's shoulder. The younger sister shoved away and lifted her hands in mock defense.

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