11. First Day Jitters

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An overwhelming sense of fear and panic overtook the older girl like a tidal wave; there was no way she would be able to show her face after the ordeal at Mirabeau Park on Friday night. The event had caused such a stir that she didn't doubt that over half of the student body knew her name already.

"Mom, can't we just homeschool me this year?" Haven pleaded while haphazardly stabbing her plate of scrambled eggs. Cammie Lafferty just rolled her eyes, knowing full well the extent of her daughter's theatrics.

"Haven, it's your senior year. Besides, you were all excited about school on Friday." The blonde woman replied, pouring a generous amount of pancake batter onto the skillet.

"Yeah, that was before I ended up in Mirabeau Spring." Haven groaned and resisted the urge to slam her face into the kitchen table. 

"You just don't wanna face Preston." Miranda teased as she walked into the kitchen whilst braiding her hair back, trying and failing to subtly integrate the streak of vibrant magenta she'd dyed the night before.

Haven always wondered why their mother let the junior get away with dying her hair when it was clearly printed in the school's student handbook that 'unnatural colors and styles were prohibited'. Mimi hadn't been caught yet and those teachers that had noticed in previous years had simply commented on how nice the streaks of purple or blue had looked in her hair.

"but look at it this way-" Miranda spoke, swiping the piece of toast off her older sister's plate. "Aren't you sorta glad it happened?" Mimi inquired as she helped herself to Haven's glass of orange juice. The older girl didn't quite follow the redhead's train of thought and settled for rolling her eyes- choosing to ignore the fact Mimi was pilfering her breakfast, surprised that she was even eating this early given that she hardly ever ate anything before nine. "He saw you soaking wet and covered in pond scum and he still wants to talk to you- if that doesn't mean he's into you, I don't know what does." She offered with a cheeky grin.

"He felt bad about it, that's all. It was pity-chat because he was my ride home." Haven groaned, shoveling a last bite of eggs into her face in aggravation. Why did she have to end up in the stupid spring? She enjoyed being the center of attention just as much as the next person- but only when it was good news circulating around. 

"I still feel bad about getting the seats in his car all wet- I know I'd be pissed if it were my truck..." Haven shuddered at the thought; leather and water went together like oil and water did.

"You two made your lunches last night, right?" Their mother inquired as Haven moved to empty her plate into the garbage and place it into the sink.

"Yup." "Yeah." The two girls answered in unison. 

"Good. Have a great first day, you two- I know you'll be just fine." Cammie smiled, hugging each of her daughters. "Remember who you are and what you stand for- and remember to smile, because-" 

"-because smiles are contagious." Miranda finished, pressing a quick kiss to her mother's cheek. "We know the quote, mom." The teen said, grabbing her book bag and phone off the counter and walking towards the entryway.

"Make good choices!" The blonde woman called down the hall after her. She promptly received a "No promises." in reply. Cammie just smiled and turned to her eldest. "Look out for your sister, will you? She won't admit it, but she looks up to you." 

Haven nodded and expelled a sigh. "Will do- love you, mom." She gave her mom a hug before hurrying after Miranda who had the spare set of keys to her red Chevy and had probably already started the truck.


As the two eldest Lafferty girls left the house for school, Haven checked on her sneakers- wrinkling her nose in distaste as she did. Little surprise; they still reeked of muck and dead marine life.

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