The beginning Of their end.

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It was the 1st week of summer. Lexus and Mercedes were turning up already!. They took a road trip to Los Angeles, California to celebrate their freedom from high school and on their way to college and success.

(All hands on deck playing in the car)

Lexus (singing): ALL HANDS ON DECK!

Mercedes (singing): ALL IN THE FRONT ALL IN THE BACK-


Mercedes: IMMA BLOW YA MIN- her voice cracks.

Mercedes starts singing like icejjfish. Lexus side eyes Mercedes and turns off the radio.

Mercedes: why you turn off the radio, i was gettin jiggy wit it!

Lexus: until you started singing like icej- nevermind.

Mercedes: anyways, she pops her gum. We need to go to the shopping center downtown!, i've heard many celebs been down there! especially BEYONCE!.


Mercedes: YAS!

20 minutes later they arrive downtown Los Angeles.

Mercedes: WE ARE HERE!!

Lexus: what stores are down here?, they better not be expensive.

Mercedes: How much money you got?

Lexus: 980 dollars. my parents were going to give me another 300, but i refused. i thought i had enough money saved up.

Mercedes: shiiit!, i would've taken that!.

Lexus: how much mula you got?

Mercedes: 1,000 and i found another 20 in my bra!. i'm bout to splurge bitch!

Lexus: remember we need at least 250 on our way back home..

Mercedes: yeah, yeah i know!

Lexus: okay then..

After 2 hours of shopping, the girls go to the food court. The girls sit down with their Panera, enjoying the nourishment of the food filling their hungry stomachs.

Lexus: oooo this bread bowl is fire!

Mercedes eats a pear. Mercedes : must be nice..

Lexus: put that damn pear down! and get some real food!. All you got is lettuce and some weird whole grain shit.

Mercedes: You don't understand girl... you just don't!.

Lexus: I know you are going to be part time modeling and going to college but, don't let it get to the point where you think you have to eat leaves with low fat dressing on them with brown cardboard- i mean grainy braid . then you gon end up looking like a twig with legs.

Mercedes: I guess you're right. I think I am going to get some more fulfilling.

Mercedes gets up from her chair.

Mercedes: I'll be right back lexi!.

10 minutes later..

Lexus: Whats taking Mercedes so long?

Lexus turns around in her chair and sees Mercedes talking to a boy. Mercedes notices Lexus and quickly wraps up her conversation with the boy. Mercedes rushes up to her table with her food and sits down.

Crazy Niqqa Chronicles Part 14: BOOT CAMPHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin