The Decision

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After that night of craziness, disappointment, and truth, everyone went their separate ways. Travis was charged with drug possession, letting people underage consume alcohol and drugs, and not being licensed to buy weed. He was sentenced to 2 years in prison. Keith was free of charges. Mercedes & Lexus were convicted of a felony, charged with fraud, not having a license for weed, and underage drinking. Lexus was also, charged with having violent actions with police officers. Mercedes & Lexus had to go to court for the judges final decision for a jail or prison sentence.


Judge: After weeks of you guys being held in jail, you both have had good behavior. But, that doesn't shorten your jail or prison sentence. Your community service has gotten good reports and there was no complaints on your behaviors either. Today, the court and I will make a decision on your sentences based on your charges and recent deeds.

Mercedes: Yes ma'am

Lexus: Thank you, for letting us know about our behaviors.

After minutes turned into an hour, Mercedes and Lexus socialized with their families silently. They wanted to talk to them as much as possible because they knew that this was going to be the last time that they were going to see each other. Mercedes & Lexus have not said a word to each other since the crazy night.

Mercedes: Mom, I'm going to miss you so much, all this mess wasn't worth loosing my scholarship and everything else.

Mercedes Mom: Mercedes, you will learn from this and I know that its going to take time to heal from this situation. Once, you get out of jail you will become a better person. Then, eventually, you will get back on your feet. I promise you honey.

Mercedes: I know what you're saying is the truth but, I feel like you will look at me as my father.

Mercedes Mom: Don't say that!, you are better than him!. Your father is a worse person than you are!. This situation was a mistake but, something that you got yourself into. You also care about your future and will get back on your feet. On the other hand, after your father got out of prison, he didn't care his own family!, he just left to another state with all of our savings that we had. After that, we over came being a family that damn near lived in poverty. Mercedes, after bad situations in your life you shall over come with faith and trust in god!.

Mercedes: I love you mom!. She cries. Mercedes and her mother both hug each other.

Other side of the court room, Lexus and her family were also, talking.

Lexus: Mom and dad, you both can't be mad at me forever. I'm a good kid that just made a messed up decision but, I will learn from this I promise.

Lexus Mother: Lexus, we are just really upset with you and your actions.

Lexus Father: we never thought we would even get this behavior from you either.

Lexus Mother: yes and, we never thought that we would be here in a court room for something that you did.

Lexus: I'm not the perfect child, neither are y'all the perfect parents. All I got to say is that we are humans and make mistakes and learn from them to become a better person.

Lexus Mother: Yes, you are right. Its just that we don't want to look at you differently from this.

Lexus: You shouldn't look at me any different from this, I'm your daughter!.

Lexus Father: when you were up there standing before the judge, I saw my daughter as herself, but as another person.

Lexus: what, a felon?.

Lexus Father: n- no! not that its just-

Lexus: you mean't a felon, I know you did!. The words can't even come out your mouth right to say something better than felon. I'm not a troubled kid and y'all know that!.

Lexus Mother: you are just in a situation, that's um- problematic. But it doesn't make you look problematic. Its makes you look a like troubled kid but, you aren't. If you understand what I am saying.

Lexus: so what am I to you guys now?. Am I still your daughter, or a felon?

Lexus father: you're still our daughter but-

Lexus: you should've just ended after you said daughter. There is no but about it. I can't believe that ya'll look at me as something that I am not. that's fucked up-

Lexus mother: aye, watch your language and have some respect!


Lexus father: keep your tone down Lexus.

Lexus: You know what, I'm not even going to talk to y'all after I get out of prison. y'all looking at me like I'm a felon or some type of criminal. I don't have that heart. I was in my drunken mind with stupid, ignorant behavior. You have the nerve to judge me for ONE NIGHT!, JUST ONE NIGHT OF SOME MESSED UP SHIT THAT I KNOW I CANT TAKE BACK!.

Lexus mother sighs.

Lexus Father: we want what's best for you.

Lexus: Yeah, I understand that but y'all are just mad that I messed up your reputation in this town.

The judge returns to her chair and sits down. Lexus and Mercedes stand before the judge in a respectable manner.

Judge: Okay, we have made a decision. Based on your good deeds during community service and behavior in jail. We have shortened your sentences. We were making decisions on jail or prison. Now, we have made the final decision for both of you.

Thanks for reading part 3 of Boot camp . Get ready to see what going to happen next in part 4! :)

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