Chapter Two: Surviving Tryouts

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The day of my demise.

I had turned the form Coach had gave me the next day. He actually have me a really weird look, when I had told him the day before I wanted to tryout, he thought I was joking!

It hurt a lot, but I brushed it off, promising myself I'd do good at tryouts. Lunch was honestly the best time of the day since I got to hangout with Jody, it lasted an hour, so it was nice to get a break from classes.

The last bell of the day rung, telling me that I needed to get to the girl's locker room and change. I frowned as I began to walk to the locker room, I was pretty nervous.

The word about me trying out for the football team spread like wildfire. But it didn't really shock me, cause we are at a high school. Any juicy news would spread quickly.

When I finally got the locker room, I opened the door and went in to began to change. It was weird to be the only girl in there, since it was usually full of perfume and gossiping girls.

I threw my hair into a ponytail, changed into some nike shorts and an old tee shirt that my dad had given me.

I jogged out to the football field, to see my brother with his friends already out there. "Emily! Over here!" He shouted at me. I jogged over to them and smiled.

"Hey." I said nonchalantly.

"I didn't expect your sister to actually be trying out." One of Mike's friends said to him.

"I know, but I'm excited for her to show all of you up." Mike said grinning at me. "You excited?" Mike asked.

"I'm a little nervous." I admitted.

"It's okay, you'll probably get cut, don't worry about it." A voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see our famous quarterback, Aaron Waston. The boy who has to put opinion in any conversation he can get it in. His cold blue eyes glared at mine and I couldn't help but glared back.

"Well at least I can actually make the grades to be on the team." I replied turning back to Mike and his group, pretending that Aaron wasn't even there.

Aaron had always been a thorn in my side, ever since 6th grade when decided to throw his pizza at me on picture day.

What made matter even worse we he lived about two house away from me, so he bother me out of school too.

"Okay Eagles! First day of tryouts. I'll split you up by which positions you'll be playing. If you make the team. Remember this is a new year, so just cause you were on the team last year, doesn't mean you'll be on it this year." Coach Willson said walking out of the gym.

"Wide Receivers, Running Backs, and Quarterbacks will be together." Coach Willson continued. "Offensive line and defensive line will be together too. While Cornerbacks and Linebackers cover the Wide Receivers and Running Backs. Let's start ladies we only have two hours on this field."

Everyone broke and I followed Aaron since he was the other quarterback. I saw a freshman run to where we were and I smiled at him. "What's your name?" I asked him.

"I'm Mason, I'm trying out for quarterback." He said with a smile.

"Cool, I'm Emily, trying out for quarterback too." I said shaking his hand.

Aaron took a deep breath and turned around to us "You two don't worry about quarterback, I've covered us for two years and I'll be covering us this year too." Aaron said beginning to stretch.

"You're such a dick." I said rolling my eyes.

"Why thank you." Aaron said sarcastically.

Mason looked at me confused "He does realize that there's a JV team right?" He asked.

"He's just got one to many concussions." I said knocking my head.

Mason laughed and drills began. Practically it was just us throwing to the running backs, pretty easy. We continued through practice doing drills, where Aaron tried one upping me, but got so in his head, he kept on screwing up.

It was honestly hilarious to see how mad he was getting, when he couldn't throw a simple pass.

When tryouts had finally finished, Coach look mildly impressed at how well I did. "You know Waston, you might not be starting quarterback this year." Coach joked.

Aaron just sent me a glare, I smirked and as Coach gave a finishing speech about how everyone did good. Once Coach finished, we all headed back to the locker rooms and before I walked into the locker room, Aaron caught me.

"I don't know how you did so good today, but in the long run, you won't be able to make it on this team. You'll fall apart in the first game you play in." He hissed glaring at me.

"If you I'm just some girl that will be holding Pom poms and cheering you guys on. I think you've got the wrong impression of me." I said before walking into the locker room.

So I decided just to make tryouts one day. I mean I can't really think of things to do for three days of football tryouts, but I know that they're usually about a week long, well at least at my school. So sorry for all that confusion.

Who's excited for school? I mean I'm kinda excited since I'm an incoming freshmen and it's a new school, but mostly I'm just really nervous. Hope you guys liked this chapter and hope to see you in the next one.

If you really enjoyed leave a comment to tell me how it sounded or just fill in that blank star. Thanks!

Hope you guys have -blue-skies- and sunshine!

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