Chapter Four: The Jock's Table

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History passed quickly, as everyone jotted down notes, other the Jody, who was trying to get my attention by throwing paper balls at me from across the room. I groaned as Mrs. Felid continued to lecture us about the American Revolution.

The bell finally rung, telling us to get out of class and head to the cafeteria, for that sorry thing they called food. I waited for Jody at the door, as she continued to pack up her backpack.

When she finally finished packing up, we headed to our lockers, to put up anything we didn't need at lunch. "So I heard you got sent to Coach Willson's office in calculus." Jody mumbled focusing on unlocking her locker.

"Yeah, he called me in to tell me I'm starting Monday and to get my jersey." I said nonchalantly.

Jody closed her locker and grinned "You mean, you made the team!?" She screeched in my ear.

"Yes, I made the team, and there's no reason to scream I'm right here." I said holding my ear.

"Sorry," She mumbled "I'm just so excited for you!" She shouted holding my shoulder.

We began walking to the cafeteria and Jody kept on fangirling on how I had made the team. As she continued to shout through the halls and practically prance around, I began to zone out.

I had gotten pretty used to this side of Jody and she was practically always excited, she could be in the dumpster literally, and find a positive spin on it.

"-so when's your first game?" Jody asked snapping me out of my gaze.

"It's Monday. Didn't I already tell you this?" I asked walking into the cafeteria.

Jody realized her mistake and changed the topic rather quickly "Oh my gosh! They have tater tots today. Come on." She exclaimed dragging me to the lunch line.

I grabbed a tray sliding it down the line as we continued to walk, grabbing anything that didn't look like it was half aged in a freezer. I grabbed the only edible things they had, fish sticks and tater tots.

We both payed and began walking towards our lunch table when Mike started waving me down. "Hey let's go over there." Jody said shoving me towards the jock's table.

I pushed my heels into the ground "But that's the jocks table." I whined.

"Those kids are going to be on your team. Besides, I need to find out the numbers of the hot ones." She replied continuing to shove me towards the table.

Grumbling, I began using my feet and walked with Jody to the jock's table. When we both got there, some of the guys looked at us like we were raw meat, which honestly kinda scared me.

Mike saw this, and his "big brother mode" come on. "Don't look at her like that!" He hissed pulling Jody and I down to sit, so the boys hopefully, wouldn't continue to look at us like that. I wasn't really worried about my sake, in fact, I was worried that Mike would tear them limb from limb.

"Hey Emily." Mason greeted my shyly from across the table.

I smiled at him "I didn't know that you sat here." I said slightly shocked.

He smiled sheepishly, "Well it has only been a week, and besides you just met me." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of course, duh." I said smacking my head softly.

A loud thud was heard beside me and I turned my head to see that the annoying Aaron was sitting next to me. "Good afternoon Jason." He hissed at me taking a bite of his fish sticks.

I could tell he was obviously annoyed that I was staring over him, for the first game of the year.

I rolled my eyes "It's not my fault that Coach is starting me over you." I huffed.

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