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        Well it's been 4 days and all Bell has gotten to do so far is take Jamie to the park everyday. She normally goes to a field and just hangs out until the sun sets. Something about it makes her inspired and ready to change the world. It was just so beautiful. She admired it. Something would come out of it..she was ready to change the world.

          Another day goes by. Bell still has 2 days left and she can't wait to watch the sunset. She needs inspiration. She felt empty and bored. Not seeing the sunset in 5 days has effected her since she has done it nearly everyday for 2 years.

          Well Bell's week is up and she is off to watch the sunset. She decides to take her sketch book because she's been feeling artsy lately.
        "I'm going to my usual place mom. I'll be back later. Love you" Bell says to her mom as she walks towards the door.
          "Hold up. Aren't you grounded?" Linda looks suspicious.
          "You said a's been a week mom!" Bell is so confused. She just needs to see the sunset.
          "Oh I'm just messing with you hun. Now get goin' before you miss it." Linda laughs and shakes her head.
           Bell gets out to her field and starts sketching the horizon. She stares out into the sky and waits. She loves the part when the sun is about to set at the horizon and it's just hovering there, so beautiful. She waits awhile and when it's right, starts sketching the sun into the empty space in her sky.

           When Bell finishes her sketch she moves into colors. She gets out her orange and starts the sky. She makes cloud like shapes all over. Then, Bell takes her yellow and fills in the rest of the the cloud shape spaces. After she takes a lighter yellow and makes the sun. She loves it. She finishes by making a very dark black/green horizon.

            Bell starts heading home and admires her drawing. She gets home and goes straight into the living room to her parents.
           "Hey guys. Look at my drawing. You like it?" Bell grins and hands it over to her parents.
          "It's absolutely beautiful honey! I love it!" Linda is truly amazed. She was so proud of her daughter.
          "Yeah! Great job, Bell. Keep up the good work." Mike, Bell's dad, comments and winks. He doesn't quite understand the whole art thing like the girls in the house.

          Bell goes up to her room and gets into her pajamas. She climbed into her bed and grabbed her laptop from her nightstand.
         "Hello, Netflix!" Bell says and watches her new favorite movie 'The Fault In Our Stars'

           After her movie, Bell falls asleep. She wakes up around 10 and doesn't quite understand why. She usually wakes up at about noon in the summer.

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