Summer Trip

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         Bell and Jill were going on a trip to Six Flags. Jill's parents were taking them. They are rich. They were driving from their home in Beardstown, Il. It was a two and a half hour drive.

            It had been about two hours. Both girls were awake but tired. Bell had her laptop. She was on Facebook messaging Romeo.
            "Hey" Bell messaged first.
            "Hey, cutie ;)"Romeo replied.
             Bell freaked out inside. She showed Jill and Jill giggled.
            "Haha what's up?" Bell knew then immediately he liked her. And she was going to take it slow to make it work.
             "Thinking about you" Romeo said.
             "Me too ;)" Bell says and she falls asleep.

             "Wake up girls! We're at our hotel!" Jill's father says.

              They all go into the hotel. The girls both flop into one of the beds.

             "Don't get too comfortable girls! We are going swimming and then Six Flags tomorrow." Jill's mom says.

              So the girls get their swimming suits on and head to the pool. They swim for a few hours then head back to the room. They take their showers and get in their pajamas. They get in bed and fall asleep fast.

              "Come on girls we gotta get ready if we want to be there when it opens!" Jill's father says excited.

              The girls both groan and get out of bed. They get dressed and brush their teeth.
              "Dad it's only 8 we have two hours!" Jill says yawning.

              Jill's parents just ignore the girls hoping they will just keep getting ready.

               Bell is wearing a cute black crop top with the batman logo on it. She has light high wasted shorts and black vans.

                Jill has a red crop top with the superman logo and dark high wasted shorts. She has red vans.

              They get to Six Flags at 9:45. The park opens at 10:30. They get in line pretty close to the front.

              When 10:30 comes they all run to get in line for Batman. Jill's parents don't want to ride.
              "We don't really like these anymore so we will just walk around and meet you back at the bar and grill over there at noon" Jill's dad says and they walk away.
              "Be safe and smart!" Jill's mom calls over her shoulder.

The girls get in line for Batman. The ride is old so the line isn't very long these days, but it is they're favorite ride.

The girls get up to the ride pretty quick. They go to the front row. There is a couple in front of them so they have to wait.

When they finally get on, they excitedly look at each other as they strap into they're seats.

"Enjoy your ride." The worker says and the coaster is on its way.
"Whoooo! Bell calls. She loved the part where they are going up and she can just see when they are about to drop, and then...
"AHHHHHH!!" People on the coaster call as they fling downward.
"AHHHHHHHH MAKE IT STOP!" One young-ish girl yells, obviously her first time.

As they go up into a loop, people scream they're heads off.

"WHOOOO I LOVE THIS RIDE!" Jill and Bell scream while others are terrified.

When the girls get off the ride, they check the time. Only 10:40. They head to Mr. Freeze. They're second favorite ride.

They get to Mr. Freeze and the line is just a little longer than Batman's. They rush up there and get into the line. They get through pretty quick. They pick the side to go on and head to the front row.

Once they get on, they put they're water bottles into the basket, ready to go.

"3. 2.." The worker says, and they are off on two. This always gets the girls excited.

They go up on the loop, backwards, they're favorite part.
"WHOOOOOO!!" Jill calls.

After they get off, they head to the Log Flume. They don't want to get wet..but they figure it's worth the fun.

They agree on the pose for a picture so if it's really good, they can buy it.

When they go down they both fled they're muscles and make serious faces.

When they see the picture they think it is awesome, so they each buy one. They both earned 150$ for the trip so they have plenty.

They head go right next to it to the roller coaster, American Thunder, to dry off. They have a pattern in mind, water ride, then coaster.

"I haven't rode this since I was twelve!" Bell says as they get in the almost empty line.
"Me either!" Jill says and the girls laugh.

They got right on the ride because no one really cared about it anymore. They ride in the front like all of the rides today, no matter how long the wait.

             They get off and head over to Thunder River. A water ride.

             "Ugh getting wet again!" Jill complained. She was such a girl sometimes.

             After Thunder River, they rode Superman to dry off. They got soaked.

            They had to admit..they screamed like babies.

             They then went to Tital Wave, water ride, and then the swings, Sky Screamer.

             After Sky Screamer it is about 11:45 so they take their time looking around in shops on they're way to the bar and grill.

              They get there at about 11:58 and they eat. After wards they ride a few more rides and go to the hotel to swim.

               The next day they go home. They wish they could stay for another day.

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