Kim Jongin

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Fact 1: Kai has a lucky bracelet that his parents gave to him. When he gets really nervous, he touches it to ease his nervousness.

Fact 2: Kai's weakness is seeing a girl cry.

Fact 3: Kai is the main dancer and he usually bosses around his group members in dance practice. Only Taemin can control Kai.

Fact 4: Kai has a habit of biting his nails and his lip.

Fact 5: At a fan signing event, a fan asked Kai to write "I hope you get a boyfriend", Kai looked up at her while signing & told her "Your boyfriend is EXO".

Fact 6: Kai has never received chocolate from a girl on Valentines Day before. (Pre debut)

Fact 7: Kai uses so much hair products that once Kris got his hand stuck in his hair and the staff had to cut his hair in order to get Kris's hand out.

Fact 8: Kai tends to sleepwalk often.

Fact 9: He only dances in the shower when he's in a good mood.

Fact 10: Kai was threatened with knives in London.

Next is going to be facts about Baekhyun. Thanks for reading! <3

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