sector seven

781 34 2

Kyle pov
We finally get back home. I get out and walk inside to Sam's room. I looked all over but nothing! "Sam! Tienes que venir aquí!" I yelled. He came and we looked everywhere! "Sam me voy a vencer a tu pero si usted no encontrarlos!" I yelled very angry. "Quit speaking in Spanish!" He yelled. "No puedo porque estoy agravada!" I yelled. "Oh boy." He said rubbing his head. I walked down stairs and found them. "Sam! Los encontre!" I yelled in victory. Now I can stop. "You did?!" He asked. "Yes I did!" I yelled. I can speak Spanish whenever I want so doesn't matter. I then saw men in front. "Hello are you Sam? And are you Kyle Morgan Witwicky?" Asked a man. "Si." I said. "Yah." "We need you to come with us." He said. Just then dad got in front of me. "That's not gonna happen." Said dad. Oh my. "Qué es lo que quieres y yo estoy en el ejército?" I asked. "Well, we want to take you and your brother to a facility and ask some questions." Said the guy next to him. "And we know you are in the army. You are the translator for them." He said. I nodded. I am thier translator. But then they brought out a machine and scanned us. "Bingo, take em and bag em." Said Simmons. I picked it up when they were talking. "Qué demonios estás haciendo?" I asked. "Well, you went in contact with extraterrestrials." He said. "Déjame ir!" I yelled. "Nope!" They then threw me into a car. I then saw Lennox. "Lennox?!" I yelled. He saw me and ran up to me. "We need you to look your best." He said. "Why?" I asked. "We are going to meet someone." He said. I nodded. I walked to the girls bathroom and changed.

Man was she mad! Now she has to be back in the army? What gives?! Well how you like? Well tell yours truly.

Athena wittwickyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang