optimus is dead?!

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I got on my cloths and looked around for my books. Then I saw the time. "Kylee! Vamos a llegar tarde!" I yelled. "Okay then lets go!" She yelled as she ran to the door. We ran to astronomy and sat down. "Don't be late again Kyle margarita roceta wittwicky." Said the teacher. He used my full name. I was taking notes when Sam went up to the board. "Sam? Qué estás haciendo?" I asked. "Get out of my class!" Yelled the teacher. I ran after Sam and he was just gone. I walked to the front of the school and saw Mikey. "What are you doing here Mikey?" I asked. "I'm here to see Sam. You might wanna come." She said. I nodded. We walked to Sam's room and opened the door to see a girl on Sam. "What the hell?!" I yelled. "Michaela I can exp-" before he spoke another word the girl had a long glossa (learned the word). "Michaela!" I yelled she ran and threw a box at her. We all ran out screaming. I saw kylee and told her to come with us. "Start the car!" Yelled Sam. Mikey then started it. After she killed the thing we went onto the main road. I looked to see a heli coming. "Watch out!" I yelled and Mikey swerved to a stop. Then a crane or something came on it. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" Yelled Leo. "Shut up Leo!" I yelled. Then the heli took us up. "No!" I yelled as it dropped us. We soon landed in an abandoned factory. And a chain saw cut through the car. We all screamed and tried to get away. But failed. Then I saw someone I didn't want to see. Megatron. "Come here boy." He said. Sam walked up to him. "Okay, just don't hurt them." He said. "Shut up!" He said and threw Sam onto a flat surface. "Sam! Te motaré Megatron!" I yelled. He looked at me. "I remember that voice and pattern. Athena Witwicky." He said. I backed away slightly. I watched as they did stuff to him. Then they were about to cut his brain out. When Jazz, bee, and optimus came in. I ran to Jazz. And we rode out of the cross fire.
Hours later
We met up with Sam and didn't see optimus. "Where's optimus?" I asked. Sam looked at me. "He's gone." He said. "No......h-he can't be." I said and was about to fall when Jazz caught me. I've been getting to know the Autobots better and optimus was like an uncle to me. Noble, honor, truth, kind. I wish he was my father. "I don't care I think you are kidnapping me." Said Leo. I just snapped. "Listen! I lost a lot! I lost every friend I ever knew in battle! And what do you do for this country? Nothing! Because you don't give a damn!" I yelled. Jazz pulled me back so I wouldn't punch Leo. But everyone was staring at me in shock. "I better cool down." I said and walked off. Jazz followed me and knew how to cheer me up. I walked all the way to an edge to see a city miles away. Arms wrapped around me and I knew who's they were. "Athena.....I know optimus was like a father to you. But we will get him back." He said. I looked at him. "You said you wanted to ask me something. What was it?" I asked. "After this I will tell you." He said and walked away. I nodded and looked out at the night sky. In two days we will get him back.

How was that? Well tell me. And sorry for the long wait.

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