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Kyle pov
It's been two years since the battle. And now I have to go to college. Yah, I never finished school so I had to go. I was wearing a black dress with a red jacket and black shoes (up top). "Hola papá!" I said. He laughed. "You really are a Mexican." He said. I smiled and walked to the car with a box of my stuff. I then saw Jazz. I walked over to him and his holoform came out. "Hey jazz, cómo estás?" I said. "Imma doing good. But I really wanna ask you....." Before he could say anything we saw the house on fire. "Mi casa!" I said and ran to the house. I saw bee in the garage pounding his head. "Bee?" I asked. "I got in trouble." He said. I nodded. "Well you said you wanna ask me something?" I said. "Um that I like you very much." He said. "When will you say the word I'm looking for?" I asked while walking to put my new bike on the trailer. "When you say it to me." He said. "You know I'm not gonna say it first." I said. He shook his head and started walking away. "Jazz, you are the one I will always be with." (Same situation with Sam and Michaela.) "Te amo con todo mi corazón." I said and got into the car.
At the college
We soon got to the place. When I saw it, it looked awesome. "Es este el lugar correcto? O estoy soñando?" I asked. "Haha. You are not dreaming." Said Sam. "You guys go check out your room." Said papa. We nodded and I walked to my room. I walked in and saw a brown haired girl. "Hola?" I asked. "Ah you must be Kyle Morgan Witwicky." Said the girl. "Si." I said. "I'm kylee. Speak Spanish do ya?" She asked. "Yes I do." I said. "Hola soy kylee." She said. "Hola soy Kyle." I said. "Qué clase que usted tiene?" "Tengo la astronomía, usted?" "Iqual, cuántos años tienes?" "Tengo 18 años, verdad?" "Tengo 17 años." She said. "Wow you are fantastic at that." I said. "Well, I did use to do it a couple of years ago." She said. I nodded. "So wanna go see the campus?" She asked. "I gotta go see my brother first." I said and walked to the dorm next to us. I opened it to see a curly haired boy and Sam. "Hey Sam, I'm gonna see campus with kylee." I said. "Okay, and this is Leo, my room mate." He said. "Okay." I said and shut the door. "Now lets go." I said and walked with kylee. We mostly talked about what we do. "So what was your job before coming here?" She asked. "I was in the army for two years." I said. "Wow, you must be strong to do that." She said. "My family needed money. And the only way was if I or sam went to the army. I volunteered." I said. She nodded. "Well, there's gonna be a party for new comers." She said. "And I was thinking about going." She continued. "I'll go." I said. "Yah!" She yelled. "We gotta get ready!" She yelled and pulled me with her. "Oh chico." I said.

How was that? Well I don't own kylee she belongs to Starbee-Prime. So tell meh if it was good.

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